Can Other People Use Your Tarot Cards?

Have you ever wondered if it’s okay for others to use your tarot cards? Tarot cards hold a deep connection to your energy and intuition, making them a personal and sacred tool. However, there may come a time when someone close to you expresses curiosity or interest in experiencing a tarot reading. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of allowing others to use your tarot cards and provide guidance on how to approach this situation with grace and respect.

Tarot Cards and Personal Energies

The Concept of Personal Energies

When it comes to tarot cards, personal energies play a significant role in the reading experience. Each individual possesses their own unique energy, which can affect the outcome of a tarot reading. Personal energies are influenced by emotions, thoughts, and experiences, and they can have a profound impact on the interpretation of the cards.

Imprints on Tarot Cards

Tarot cards have the ability to absorb and retain energy. As you handle your tarot cards, your personal energy imprints onto them. These imprints can build up over time, influencing the accuracy of the readings and the overall energy of the cards. It’s important to be aware of the energy you are projecting onto the cards and take steps to keep them clear and balanced.

Potential Interference from Other People’s Energies

Allowing others to use your tarot cards introduces the possibility of interference from their energies. When someone else handles your cards, their energy can mix with yours, potentially impacting the readings. This is particularly crucial if the other person has negative or draining energy. It’s essential to establish boundaries and be mindful of who has access to your tarot cards to ensure the purity of the energy within them.

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Sharing Tarot Cards with Others

Clearing the Energy of Tarot Cards

Before sharing your tarot cards with others, it’s vital to clear any lingering energy imprints. To do this, you can shuffle the deck thoroughly or utilize cleansing rituals such as smudging with sage or using crystals with purifying properties. Clearing the energy of your tarot cards ensures that the readings and interpretations remain as accurate and authentic as possible.

Setting Boundaries with Others

When sharing your tarot cards, it’s important to communicate and establish clear boundaries with the person you are lending them to. Discuss how they should handle the cards, such as refraining from bending them or eating while using them. By setting these boundaries, you can maintain the integrity and energy of your cards.

Cleansing Rituals for Tarot Cards

In addition to clearing the energy before and after sharing your tarot cards, you can incorporate regular cleansing rituals to keep them free from negative energies. Some common methods include using sound vibrations, such as ringing a bell or using chimes, or placing the cards under moonlight. These rituals help restore the cards’ energy and keep them ready for accurate readings.

Reading Tarot Cards for Others

Consent and Permission

When reading tarot cards for others, always seek their consent and permission beforehand. Tarot readings can be deeply personal experiences, so it’s crucial to respect the individual’s boundaries and ensure they are comfortable with the process. By obtaining consent, you create a safe and trusting environment for the reading.

Establishing Trust and Connection

To provide the most meaningful and accurate tarot readings, it’s important to establish trust and connection with the person you are reading for. Take the time to create a safe space where they feel comfortable opening up and sharing their thoughts and feelings. Trust and connection pave the way for a more intuitive and insightful tarot reading.

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Respecting Confidentiality

Confidentiality is of utmost importance when reading tarot cards for others. Whatever is shared during the reading should remain strictly confidential, unless the individual explicitly gives permission to share their experience. Respecting their privacy builds trust and ensures that they feel secure and supported throughout the reading.

Dangers of Allowing Others to Use Your Tarot Cards

Loss of Personal Connection

Allowing others to use your tarot cards can lead to a loss of personal connection with the deck. As the cards absorb the energy of different people, it becomes challenging to maintain a strong bond with them. The unique intuitive connection you have with your cards may diminish, impacting the accuracy and depth of your own readings.

Potential Damage to Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are delicate tools, and when entrusted to others, there is always a risk of damage. People may accidentally bend, tear, or spill something on the cards, compromising their quality and usability. Protecting your tarot cards from physical harm is crucial to ensure their longevity and effectiveness.

Unwanted Energy Transfer

Allowing others to use your tarot cards opens the door to unwanted energy transfer. If someone with negative or draining energy handles your cards, it can linger and affect subsequent readings. The purity and clarity of your tarot cards’ energy may be compromised, making it important to be selective about who has access to them.

Benefits of Sharing Tarot Cards

Learning and Growth Opportunities

Sharing tarot cards with others provides valuable learning and growth opportunities. Collaborating with fellow tarot enthusiasts or students enables you to exchange insights, interpretations, and techniques. Engaging in group readings or study sessions can expand your understanding of tarot, deepen your interpretations, and enhance your overall reading skills.

Developing Intuition and Interpretation Skills

Allowing others to use your tarot cards can contribute to the development of your intuition and interpretation skills. Observing how different individuals interpret the cards and connect with their intuition can broaden your own perspective. Exploring diverse interpretations encourages you to think outside the box and enhances your ability to yield nuanced and accurate readings.

Building Community and Connection

Sharing your tarot cards invites you into a vibrant community of tarot enthusiasts. By lending your cards or engaging in group readings, you build connections and relationships with like-minded individuals who share your passion for tarot. These connections provide support, inspiration, and opportunities for growth within the tarot community.

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Alternatives to Sharing Personal Tarot Cards

Using Tarot Decks Dedicated to Group Readings

If you are hesitant to share your personal tarot cards due to the aforementioned reasons, consider acquiring decks specifically designated for group readings. Having a separate deck solely for collective use ensures that individual connections and energy imprints are not compromised while still allowing for shared readings.

Offering Readings with Multiple Decks

Another alternative is offering tarot readings using multiple decks. This approach allows you to maintain the energy and connection with your personal deck while also providing the opportunity for others to experience tarot readings. By using different decks for different individuals, you can still share the magic of tarot without risking interference with your personal energy.

Providing Tarot Card Rentals or Borrowing Systems

For those who wish to share their tarot cards but want to maintain control over their usage, implementing a rental or borrowing system can be a viable solution. This allows others to experience a variety of tarot decks without incurring the risks associated with long-term usage. With clear guidelines and agreements in place, everyone involved can benefit from the exchange of energy and knowledge.

Etiquette for Using Other People’s Tarot Cards

Asking for Permission

When using someone else’s tarot cards, always ask for permission beforehand. It is essential to respect the owner’s decision and ensure they are comfortable with lending you their deck. Requesting permission establishes a foundation of trust and mutual respect within the tarot community.

Respecting the Owner’s Rules

Each tarot card owner may have specific rules or guidelines in place that should be respected. These rules can range from how the cards should be handled to the duration of their use. Adhering to these rules demonstrates your appreciation for the owner’s trust and helps maintain the integrity of their cards.

Treating the Cards with Care

When using someone else’s tarot cards, handle them with the utmost care and respect. Avoid bending, bending, or shuffling roughly, as these can cause damage to the cards. Use a soft surface to shuffle to prevent wear and tear. By treating the cards gently, you show reverence for the owner’s property and ensure that the cards remain in good condition.


Tarot cards and personal energies are intricately connected, making it essential to be mindful of how we share and interact with these powerful tools. While allowing others to use your tarot cards may present certain risks, it also offers incredible learning, growth, and connection opportunities. By establishing boundaries, respecting confidentiality, and incorporating cleansing rituals, we can strike a balance between sharing and protecting the precious energy within our tarot cards. Ultimately, the decision to share your tarot cards is a personal one, and it’s crucial to honor your intuition and do what feels right for you and your tarot practice.