What Do Tarot Cards Indicate?

Have you ever wondered what tarot cards really indicate? Well, in this article, we’ll explore the mystical world of tarot and uncover the secrets behind these intriguing cards. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, understanding what tarot cards reveal can be an enlightening experience. So, get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and unravel the hidden meanings that lie within the captivating realm of tarot.

History of Tarot Cards

Origin of Tarot Cards

The origin of tarot cards is a topic of debate among historians and scholars. Some believe that tarot cards originated in ancient Egypt, while others argue that they have roots in medieval Europe. The earliest known reference to tarot cards dates back to the 15th century when they were first mentioned in written records. However, the exact origins and purpose of tarot cards remain shrouded in mystery.

Evolution of Tarot Cards

Over the centuries, tarot cards have undergone significant changes and adaptations. Initially, tarot decks were primarily used for playing card games, such as tarocchini in Italy and tarot in France. It was not until the late 18th century that tarot cards started to be used for divination purposes. This shift in usage gave rise to the development of different tarot decks with specific designs and symbolism.

Significance of Tarot Cards in Different Cultures

Tarot cards hold different cultural significance depending on the region and belief systems. In Western cultures, tarot cards became popularized as tools for fortune-telling and spiritual guidance. However, in other cultures, such as China and Japan, their usage differs. In these cultures, tarot cards are often seen as a form of entertainment or a means of exploring one’s subconscious mind. The interpretation and use of tarot cards may vary depending on the cultural context in which they are being utilized.

Structure of Tarot Deck

Number of Cards in a Tarot Deck

A standard tarot deck consists of 78 cards, divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing a significant archetype or life journey. The Minor Arcana, on the other hand, consists of 56 cards that further explore specific aspects of daily life and human experiences.

Types of Tarot Cards

Tarot cards can be categorized into different types based on their imagery and symbolism. The most common types include the Rider-Waite Tarot, the Marseille Tarot, and the Thoth Tarot. Each type of tarot deck has its own unique style and interpretation, appealing to different individuals based on their personal preferences and beliefs.

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Major Arcana Cards

The Major Arcana cards hold immense symbolic meaning and depict powerful archetypes that represent universal life experiences and spiritual lessons. Each card in the Major Arcana carries its own significance and serves as a guide for personal and spiritual growth. Some of the well-known Major Arcana cards include The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, and The Emperor.

Minor Arcana Cards

The Minor Arcana cards focus on the everyday aspects of life and provide insights into specific situations and challenges. These cards are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit represents different aspects of life, such as passion (Wands), emotions (Cups), intellect (Swords), and material aspects (Pentacles). The Minor Arcana cards, along with their numerological associations, offer guidance and advice for various areas of life.

Symbolism in Tarot Cards

Meaning of Symbols on Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are rich in symbolism, with each symbol carrying its own unique meaning and interpretation. The symbols on tarot cards can range from ancient religious and mythological references to everyday objects and natural elements. Understanding the meaning of these symbols is crucial for accurately interpreting the messages and insights the cards hold.

Significance of Colors in Tarot Cards

Colors play a significant role in tarot cards, as they evoke specific emotions and energies. Different colors can signify various aspects of human experiences and emotional states. For example, red often represents passion and vitality, while blue symbolizes calmness and clarity. The color combinations and their placement on the cards can provide valuable insights into the themes and messages being conveyed.

Interpreting Images on Tarot Cards

The images on tarot cards serve as gateways to deeper meanings and insights. Each card’s artwork and composition can offer valuable clues about its interpretation. By observing the posture, facial expressions, and background imagery, one can gain a better understanding of the card’s message. It is important to approach the images with an open mind and allow personal intuition to guide the interpretation process.

Reading Tarot Cards

Choosing a Tarot Deck

Choosing the right tarot deck is a personal decision that depends on individual preferences and connections. Some may resonate with classic decks, while others may be drawn to more contemporary or artistic designs. It is crucial to select a deck that intuitively speaks to you, as this connection will enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of your readings.

Preparing for a Tarot Reading

Before conducting a tarot reading, it is essential to create a calm and focused environment. Clearing any distractions and grounding oneself through deep breathing or meditation can help establish a conducive atmosphere. Some readers may choose to cleanse their deck energetically using rituals or crystals to ensure a clean energetic slate for the reading.

Types of Tarot Spreads

Tarot spreads refer to the specific patterns in which the cards are laid out during a reading. Different tarot spreads serve various purposes, ranging from general overviews to specific inquiries. Common tarot spreads include the Celtic Cross, the Three-Card Spread, and the Relationship Spread. Each spread provides a unique framework to explore different aspects of a question or situation.

Interpreting Tarot Card Combinations

When multiple cards appear in a reading, the interaction between them becomes significant. Tarot card combinations offer more nuanced and detailed insights by examining the relationships and connections between the cards. The position of each card within a spread and its neighboring cards can influence its interpretation. Adapting a holistic approach, combining individual card meanings with the overall narrative, enhances the accuracy of the reading.

Types of Tarot Readings

General Tarot Readings

General tarot readings are sessions that provide a broad overview of an individual’s current circumstances, past influences, and potential future outcomes. These readings aim to give individuals a better understanding of their overall life path and provide guidance on how to navigate different areas of their lives.

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Love and Relationship Tarot Readings

Love and relationship tarot readings focus specifically on matters of the heart. They can provide insights into romantic relationships, friendships, or family dynamics. These readings can help individuals gain clarity on their current relationships, understand their own role in the dynamic, and identify areas for growth and improvement.

Career and Financial Tarot Readings

Career and financial tarot readings delve into questions related to one’s professional life, job prospects, and financial situation. They can provide guidance on career choices, identifying opportunities for growth and success, and optimizing financial strategies. These readings aim to offer practical advice and insights for individuals seeking stability and advancement in their professional endeavors.

Health and Wellness Tarot Readings

Health and wellness tarot readings focus on an individual’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. These readings can provide insights into potential health issues, offer guidance on maintaining balance and self-care practices, and shed light on underlying emotional or energetic factors impacting one’s overall well-being. Health and wellness readings can empower individuals to make informed decisions regarding their holistic health.

Common Tarot Card Meanings

The tarot deck contains a vast array of cards, each with its own unique meaning and interpretation. While an in-depth exploration of each card is beyond the scope of this article, here are brief descriptions of some of the key tarot cards:

The Fool

The Fool represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and taking risks. It signifies the start of a journey or a fresh chapter in life, filled with unlimited potential and opportunities.

The Magician

The Magician symbolizes personal power, manifestation, and resourcefulness. This card reminds you that you possess the skills and tools necessary to manifest your desires and achieve your goals.

The High Priestess

The High Priestess represents intuition, mysticism, and inner wisdom. It encourages you to trust your instincts and delve deeper into your spiritual and emotional realms for guidance and insight.

The Empress

The Empress embodies nurturing, abundance, and creativity. This card signifies a time of growth, fertility, and the manifestation of ideas and projects.

The Emperor

The Emperor signifies authority, leadership, and structure. It encourages you to take control of your life and establish a solid foundation based on discipline and responsibility.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant represents tradition, education, and spiritual guidance. This card encourages you to seek wisdom from established belief systems or mentors to find spiritual and moral guidance.

The Lovers

The Lovers symbolize love, relationships, and harmonious connections. This card signifies choices and emotional unions that deeply impact your life’s path.

The Chariot

The Chariot represents determination, victory, and willpower. It signifies the need to harness your inner strength and determination to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.


Strength embodies courage, inner strength, and resilience. This card reminds you of your ability to face challenges with grace and resilience, relying on your inner strength.

The Hermit

The Hermit signifies introspection, solitude, and inner guidance. It encourages you to seek wisdom and introspection within yourself, withdrawing temporarily from the outside world.

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune signifies cycles, luck, and destiny. It reminds you that life is constantly changing and that your actions can influence the outcomes of these cycles.


Justice symbolizes fairness, balance, and truth. This card signifies the need to make fair and just decisions, considering all perspectives and acting with integrity.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man represents surrender, letting go, and gaining a new perspective. This card encourages you to release control and surrender to the unknown to gain a fresh outlook.


Death signifies endings, transformation, and rebirth. This card reminds you that with every ending, there is an opportunity for new beginnings and personal growth.

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Temperance embodies balance, patience, and moderation. This card encourages you to find the middle ground in challenging situations and seek harmony in all aspects of your life.

The Devil

The Devil represents temptation, bondage, and material desires. This card warns against falling into negative patterns or addictions and urges you to seek liberation from self-imposed limitations.

The Tower

The Tower signifies sudden change, upheaval, and transformation. This card often represents unexpected events or revelations that shake the foundations of your life, leading to personal growth.

The Star

The Star symbolizes hope, inspiration, and guidance. This card offers reassurance and reminds you to trust in your dreams and aspirations, knowing that they have the potential to manifest.

The Moon

The Moon represents intuition, the subconscious, and illusions. This card urges you to trust your instincts and explore the depths of your emotions and psyche for hidden truths.

The Sun

The Sun signifies joy, vitality, and success. This card represents a period of happiness, abundance, and clarity, reminding you to embrace the positive aspects of life.


Judgment symbolizes rebirth, awakening, and self-reflection. This card encourages you to acknowledge past mistakes, make amends, and embrace personal transformation.

The World

The World embodies completion, fulfillment, and achievement. This card signifies the end of a significant cycle and the accomplishment of goals, marking a time of celebration and new beginnings.

Interpreting Reversed Tarot Cards

Meaning of Reversed Tarot Cards

When a tarot card appears reversed, it indicates a shift or a blockage of the card’s upright meaning. Reversed tarot cards often suggest a need for introspection, a warning against certain behaviors or situations, or an indication of unresolved issues. Additionally, reversed cards can offer a different perspective or guidance for overcoming challenges.

Common Interpretations of Reversed Cards

The interpretation of reversed tarot cards largely depends on the context and the surrounding cards in a reading. However, some common interpretations include blocked energy or progress, internal conflicts or resistance, or the need for introspection and self-reflection. Reversed cards can also indicate opportunities for growth and transformation if approached with awareness and openness.

Ethics in Tarot Reading

Confidentiality and Trust

Maintaining client confidentiality is of utmost importance in tarot reading. Clients should feel assured that their personal information and the details of their readings will be kept private. Tarot readers should prioritize building trust with their clients and create a safe and confidential space for their sessions.

Maintaining Professionalism

Tarot readers should conduct themselves in a professional manner during readings. This includes being punctual, respectful, and emotionally detached, allowing clients to feel comfortable and supported. Professionalism also entails maintaining clear boundaries and being transparent about the limitations and scope of tarot readings.

Providing Empowering Readings

Ethical tarot readers aim to provide empowering readings that encourage personal growth and self-reflection. Instead of relying on fear-based predictions or fortune-telling, ethical readers strive to offer guidance and options that empower individuals to make informed decisions and take control of their own lives. They remind clients that they hold the power to shape their own destiny.

Benefits of Tarot Card Readings

Gaining Self-Reflection and Insight

Tarot card readings can provide individuals with a mirror for self-reflection, allowing them to gain deeper insights into their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Through exploring the symbolism and messages of the cards, individuals can uncover subconscious patterns and motivations, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Providing Guidance and Clarity

Tarot card readings can offer guidance and clarity in times of confusion or uncertainty. By tapping into the collective wisdom and symbolism of the cards, individuals can gain fresh perspectives on their situations and receive guidance on potential paths or options. This newfound clarity can empower individuals to make informed decisions and take action in their lives.

Uncovering Intuitive Abilities

Engaging with tarot cards can help individuals tap into and develop their intuitive abilities. Through practice and immersion in the cards’ symbolism, individuals can strengthen their intuition and enhance their ability to trust their inner guidance. Tarot cards serve as a powerful tool for unlocking latent intuitive abilities and fostering a deeper connection with one’s intuition.


Tarot cards have a rich and multifaceted history, spanning different cultures and centuries. From their mysterious origins to their evolution into tools for divination and self-reflection, tarot cards continue to captivate and inspire people around the world. The structure, symbolism, and interpretations within tarot cards offer a unique and powerful way to explore the depths of the human experience and gain insights into various aspects of life. Whether used for personal reflection, guidance, or spiritual inquiry, tarot cards remain a cherished and valuable resource for those seeking self-discovery and empowerment. The continued popularity and enduring relevance of tarot cards is a testament to their enduring power and ability to touch the lives of those who engage with them.