Is It Okay To Give Yourself A Tarot Card Reading?

Have you ever wondered if it’s acceptable to give yourself a tarot card reading? Well, the answer might surprise you. Many people believe that tarot readings should only be done by professional readers, but there is a growing trend of individuals embracing the idea of conducting their own readings. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of self-reading, as well as provide tips on how to approach this fascinating practice. Whether you’re a seasoned tarot enthusiast or a curious beginner, join us as we unravel the secrets of self-tarot readings.

Understanding Tarot Card Readings

Tarot card readings have become increasingly popular as a way to gain insight and guidance in various aspects of life. Whether you are seeking answers to specific questions or simply looking for self-reflection and personal growth, tarot cards can offer a profound and unique experience. In this article, we will explore the meaning of tarot cards, the history of tarot card readings, different types of tarot card readings, and the pros and cons of giving yourself a tarot card reading. We will also provide some tips for conducting a successful self-reading, discuss the ethics and responsibility associated with tarot practice, debunk common misconceptions about tarot card readings, and highlight the role of tarot readings in self-care. Finally, we will delve into the importance of finding a balance between rationality and spirituality, share the benefits of personal experience and feedback, and conclude by emphasizing the choice and personal journey that tarot card readings can offer.

Meaning of Tarot Cards

At its core, tarot is a system of symbolic cards that represent different aspects of life, such as emotions, relationships, and personal growth. Each tarot card has its own unique meaning and symbolism, which can vary depending on the specific tarot deck being used. The interpretations of the cards often involve a combination of intuition, personal experiences, and traditional symbolism. While some people may view tarot cards as a mystical tool with supernatural powers, others interpret them as a psychological tool for self-reflection and introspection. Ultimately, the meaning of tarot cards is subjective and can be deeply personal to each individual.

History of Tarot Card Readings

The origins of tarot card readings can be traced back to Europe in the 14th century, where they were primarily used for playing card games. Over time, the cards began to be associated with divination and fortune-telling, as well as spiritual and esoteric practices. While the exact origins of tarot cards are debated, it is widely believed that they were inspired by elements of Egyptian, Jewish, and Christian symbolism. Throughout history, tarot card readings have evolved and adapted to different cultures and interpretations, becoming more accessible and accepted by a wider audience. Today, tarot card readings are not only seen as a means of predicting the future but also as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

Types of Tarot Card Readings

There are various types of tarot card readings that cater to different needs and preferences. Some of the most common types include general readings, love readings, career readings, and spiritual guidance readings. General readings provide an overview of one’s current life circumstances, while love readings focus specifically on relationships and matters of the heart. Career readings can offer insights into professional paths and opportunities, while spiritual guidance readings delve into the depths of one’s spiritual journey. Additionally, there are specialized tarot spreads, such as the Celtic Cross spread or the Three-Card Spread, which are used to tackle specific questions or areas of concern. It is important to choose a type of tarot card reading that resonates with you and the areas of your life that you wish to explore.

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Pros of Giving Yourself a Tarot Card Reading


One of the biggest advantages of giving yourself a tarot card reading is the convenience it offers. You have the freedom to conduct a reading at any time and in any place that feels comfortable to you. Whether you prefer to do it in the comfort of your own home, outside in nature, or even while traveling, you can easily incorporate tarot into your routine without relying on external scheduling or appointments.

Privacy and Comfort

When you give yourself a tarot card reading, you have complete privacy and control over the reading process. You can explore your innermost thoughts and emotions without feeling judged or observed by others. This privacy allows for a safe and intimate space for self-reflection and personal growth. It also enables you to dig deep into your subconscious and address any sensitive topics or issues that you may not be comfortable discussing with others.

Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Tarot card readings can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. By examining the symbolism and messages of the cards, you can gain insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and underlying motivations. Self-reflection allows you to better understand yourself, your desires, and your life path. Through this process, you can identify areas for personal growth and make informed decisions that align with your authentic self.

Cons of Giving Yourself a Tarot Card Reading

Objective Interpretation Challenge

One of the challenges of giving yourself a tarot card reading is maintaining objectivity in interpreting the cards. It can be difficult to separate personal biases and desires from the messages of the cards. The interpretation of tarot cards requires a balance of intuition and rational thinking, which can be challenging when performing a self-reading. It is important to approach the reading with an open mind and be aware of any potential biases that may influence the interpretation.

Subjectivity and Bias

Another potential drawback of giving yourself a tarot card reading is the risk of subjective interpretation and bias. As humans, we are inherently subjective beings, and this subjectivity can influence the way we interpret the cards. It is crucial to be mindful of any preconceptions or expectations that may cloud the interpretation and prevent us from receiving a truly objective reading. Seeking external perspectives or feedback can help counteract this subjectivity and provide a more well-rounded interpretation of the cards.

Lack of External Perspective

When giving yourself a tarot card reading, you may miss out on the valuable insights and perspectives that an external reader can provide. Other readers can offer fresh interpretations and uncover hidden patterns or themes that you may have overlooked. Additionally, external readers can bring their own expertise and experiences to the reading, enhancing the overall depth and accuracy of the interpretation. While self-readings can be insightful and meaningful, it is important to seek external perspectives from time to time to gain a broader understanding of the cards.

Tips for Giving Yourself a Tarot Card Reading

Create a Calm and Sacred Space

Before starting a tarot card reading, it is beneficial to create a calm and sacred space. Clear away any distractions or clutter, and set the intention to focus solely on the reading. Light candles, burn incense, or play soothing music to create an ambiance that promotes relaxation and concentration. By creating a sacred space, you can enhance your connection with the cards and the messages they hold.

Set Clear Intentions

Setting clear intentions before a tarot card reading can greatly enhance the effectiveness of the reading. Take a moment to reflect on what you hope to gain or learn from the reading. Perhaps you seek guidance on a specific issue or simply want general insights into your life. By setting specific intentions, you provide a clear direction for the reading and invite the cards to provide meaningful answers and guidance.

Choose a Tarot Deck

The choice of tarot deck is an important consideration when giving yourself a tarot card reading. There are numerous decks available, each with its own unique artwork, symbolism, and energy. Take the time to explore different decks and choose one that resonates with you on a personal level. Trust your intuition when selecting a deck, as it will be the tool through which the messages of the cards are conveyed.

Shuffle and Connect with the Cards

Before starting the actual reading, take a moment to shuffle the cards and connect with their energy. This process helps to establish a personal connection between you and the deck. As you shuffle, focus on your intentions and let your energy flow into the cards. This simple act of shuffling allows you to attune yourself to the cards and set the stage for a meaningful reading.

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Focus on Your Questions

When conducting a self-reading, it is essential to have clear and specific questions in mind. The questions you ask will guide the reading and determine the insights you receive. Take the time to formulate your questions thoughtfully, ensuring they are focused and open-ended. By focusing on your questions, you direct the energy of the reading towards the areas of your life that require attention and guidance.

Interpret with Openness and Intuition

As you interpret the cards, approach the reading with an open mind and a willingness to consider different perspectives. Allow your intuition to guide you in interpreting the cards’ messages. Trust your instincts and the subtle sensations or impressions that arise during the reading. Remember, tarot card readings are a blend of symbolism, intuition, and personal connection. Embrace the abstract nature of the cards and be open to unexpected interpretations.

Journal and Reflect on the Reading

After completing a tarot card reading, take the time to journal and reflect on the insights gained. Write down the cards drawn, their interpretations, and any thoughts or emotions that arose during the reading. Journaling allows for a deeper integration and understanding of the messages received. It also provides a valuable record that can be revisited in the future to track personal growth and the development of your tarot reading skills.

Ethics and Responsibility

Respecting the Tarot Practice

When engaging in tarot card readings, it is important to approach the practice with respect and reverence. Tarot readings have deep historical and cultural roots, and it is crucial to honor these origins. Treat the cards with care, and handle them gently. Approach readings with a sincere desire for self-discovery and personal growth, rather than seeking sensationalism or quick fixes. Respect the sacredness of the practice and use the cards ethically and responsibly.

Seeking Professional Readings

While self-readings can be insightful and empowering, it is also beneficial to seek professional readings from time to time. Professional tarot readers bring their expertise, objectivity, and external perspectives to the table, offering a fresh and well-rounded interpretation of the cards. They can provide valuable insights and guidance that you may not have considered on your own. Utilize professional readings as a way to deepen your understanding of tarot and broaden your perspectives.

Avoiding Dependency or Obsession

Tarot card readings should never become a dependency or an obsessive practice. While tarot can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and guidance, it is important to maintain a healthy balance and perspective. Do not rely solely on tarot readings for major life decisions or as a substitute for professional help. Use the cards as a tool, but remember that you are ultimately responsible for your own actions and choices.

Using Tarot as a Tool, Not Absolute Answers

Tarot cards should be seen as a tool for self-discovery, reflection, and guidance, rather than a source of absolute answers. The cards can provide insights and perspectives that may resonate with your own experiences and emotions, but they should not be regarded as the final authority on your life path or future outcomes. Tarot readings should empower you to make informed decisions and embrace your own agency, rather than relying solely on external sources.

Common Misconceptions About Tarot Card Readings

Fortune-Telling and Superstition

One of the most common misconceptions about tarot card readings is that they are solely based on fortune-telling and superstition. While tarot readings can offer glimpses into future possibilities, their primary purpose is to provide guidance and insights into the present moment. Tarot cards are not magical tools that predict the future with certainty but rather symbolic representations of the human experience. Understanding this distinction can help debunk the misconception and promote a more grounded and realistic view of tarot card readings.

Manipulating Outcomes

Another common misconception is that tarot readings can be used to manipulate or control outcomes. Tarot cards do not have the power to change or manipulate events in the external world. They are a tool for self-reflection and personal growth, allowing individuals to gain clarity and make informed decisions based on the insights received. Tarot readings provide a deeper understanding of oneself and the factors at play in a situation, but they do not override personal agency or alter reality.

Magical Powers and Predictions

Contrary to popular belief, tarot cards do not possess magical powers or the ability to predict the future with absolute certainty. Tarot card readings are subjective interpretations of symbols and archetypes that can help individuals gain insights into their own lives. The messages conveyed through the cards are influenced by the reader’s intuition, personal experiences, and the interplay of energies in the present moment. Understanding the limitations of tarot readings can help dispel false expectations and foster a more realistic and grounded approach to the practice.

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Tarot Card Readings as Self-Care

Promoting Self-Exploration

Tarot card readings can be a powerful form of self-care, promoting self-exploration and introspection. By engaging with the symbols and messages of the cards, individuals can tap into their subconscious minds and uncover hidden aspects of themselves. Tarot readings offer a safe and nonjudgmental space for individuals to explore their emotions, beliefs, and desires. This process of self-exploration can lead to greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, and personal growth.

Finding Clarity and Guidance

In moments of confusion or uncertainty, tarot card readings can provide much-needed clarity and guidance. The cards can help individuals gain a fresh perspective on a situation, allowing them to see beyond limiting beliefs or biases. By opening oneself to the insights of the cards, individuals can find answers or insights that may have eluded them in their conscious awareness. Tarot readings can serve as a guiding light, illuminating the path forward and instilling a sense of confidence and reassurance.

Empowering Decision-Making

Tarot card readings empower individuals to make informed decisions in their lives. The insights gained through the cards can shed light on different possibilities, outcomes, or potential challenges. Armed with this knowledge, individuals can approach decision-making with greater clarity, confidence, and awareness of the factors at play. Tarot readings serve as a tool to tap into one’s intuition and inner wisdom, allowing for decisions that are aligned with one’s authentic self.

Positive Affirmations and Reflections

Tarot card readings can also be a source of encouragement and positive affirmations. The cards often reveal strengths, opportunities, and areas of growth, highlighting the positive aspects of one’s life. By reflecting on these affirmations, individuals can nurture a sense of gratitude, self-belief, and positivity. Tarot readings serve as a reminder of one’s inherent potential and the support that exists within and around them.

Balancing Rationality and Spirituality

Integrating Objective Analysis

While tarot card readings involve elements of intuition and spirituality, it is essential to maintain a balance with rational thinking and objective analysis. Tarot readings should not be solely based on intuition or personal biases. By integrating rationality, individuals can approach the cards with a critical eye and consider various possibilities and explanations. Balancing intuition with rational thinking allows for a more well-rounded interpretation that takes into account both spiritual insights and practical considerations.

Trusting Your Intuition

At the same time, trusting your intuition is a crucial element of tarot card readings. Intuition serves as a guide, providing subtle nudges and insights beyond logical reasoning. By cultivating trust in your intuition, you allow yourself to tap into deeper layers of knowledge and understanding. Intuition can uncover insights that are not immediately apparent, helping to shed light on hidden truths and perspectives.

Blending Tarot with Other Practices

Tarot card readings can be complemented and enhanced by integrating other spiritual or self-care practices. Meditation, journaling, mindfulness, and energy work are just a few examples of practices that can be combined with tarot to deepen the experience. By blending different practices, individuals can approach tarot card readings from multiple angles, opening themselves up to new insights and perspectives.

Personal Experience and Feedback

Learning from Self-Readings

Engaging in self-readings and reflecting on personal experiences is a key component of developing confidence and trust in your own abilities. The more you practice and explore tarot, the more familiar and attuned you become with the cards and their messages. Each reading provides an opportunity to learn and grow, allowing you to refine your interpretation skills and deepen your connection with the cards. Embrace your personal experience as a valuable teacher and remain open to the lessons that each reading brings.

Sharing with a Tarot Community

Joining a tarot community is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals, gain insights, and receive feedback on your readings. Online forums, social media groups, or local tarot meetups can provide a space for sharing your experiences, asking questions, and learning from others. Engaging in discussions with fellow tarot enthusiasts fosters a sense of community and helps broaden your perspectives on tarot card readings. Feedback from others can further enhance your understanding and interpretation skills.

Building Confidence and Trust in Your Abilities

As you continue to give yourself tarot card readings, your confidence and trust in your own abilities will grow. Trusting your intuition, honing your interpretation skills, and reflecting on personal experiences all contribute to building confidence in your readings. Celebrate your successes, embrace the insights you receive, and acknowledge the unique connection you have with the cards. Developing confidence and trust in your abilities is an ongoing process, and with each reading, you become more attuned to the wisdom within yourself.


The choice to give yourself a tarot card reading is a deeply personal one. Whether you are seeking answers, clarity, or personal growth, tarot card readings can offer a meaningful and transformative experience. By understanding the meaning of tarot cards, exploring the history and types of tarot readings, and being aware of the pros and cons of self-readings, you can approach tarot as a valuable tool for self-reflection and guidance. By creating a calm and sacred space, setting clear intentions, and using the tips provided, you can conduct a successful self-reading. Remember to approach tarot practice with respect, seek external perspectives when needed, and avoid becoming dependent on the cards. Tarot card readings are a journey of self-discovery that can foster personal growth, promote self-care, and provide valuable insights into your life. Embrace the wonder and potential that tarot offers, and respect the diverse perspectives that come with it. The choice is yours to embark on this fascinating journey of tarot as a means of understanding yourself and the world around you.