How Many Cards Are In Each Suit Of A Tarot Deck?

Imagine diving into the mystical world of tarot readings, where each card holds a secret message and infinite possibilities. But have you ever wondered how many cards are in each suit of a tarot deck? Whether you’re a seasoned tarot enthusiast or a curious newbie, understanding the composition of these suits is essential for deciphering the intricate meanings behind each draw. In this article, we’ll unravel the mystery and reveal the exact number of cards in each suit, empowering you with the knowledge to explore the tarot’s ancient wisdom. Prepare to embark on a captivating journey through the suits of a tarot deck, where insight and enlightenment await.

Major Arcana

Explanation of the Major Arcana

The Major Arcana is a subset of the tarot deck that consists of 22 cards. These cards are considered to be the most significant and powerful in the deck. Each card in the Major Arcana represents a different archetype, symbolizing a universal theme or lesson. They depict major life events or experiences that we all encounter at some point in our lives. From the Fool to the World, the Major Arcana cards provide guidance, insight, and wisdom, offering a deeper understanding of the journey of life.

Number of cards in the Major Arcana

As mentioned earlier, the Major Arcana consists of 22 cards. These cards are numbered from 0 to 21, with each number carrying its unique meaning and significance. The Fool is often assigned the number 0 and represents the beginning of a new journey, while the World is typically assigned the number 21, symbolizing completion and fulfillment. Each card in the Major Arcana holds valuable insights and lessons, making them a vital component of any tarot deck.

Minor Arcana

Explanation of the Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana is another subset of the tarot deck, consisting of 56 cards. While the Major Arcana represents major life events, the Minor Arcana focuses on the day-to-day experiences and challenges we encounter. Unlike the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana cards do not carry as much weight individually. However, when combined in a reading, they provide a more detailed and nuanced understanding of a situation.

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Number of cards in the Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana consists of four suits, each containing 14 cards. These suits are Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit represents a different element and aspect of life, and together they cover a wide range of experiences and emotions. The Minor Arcana cards offer insight into the practical aspects of life and address situations involving relationships, work, challenges, and personal growth.


Explanation of suits in the tarot deck

In a tarot deck, the suits represent different aspects of life and emotions. They provide a framework for understanding and interpreting the cards in a reading. The four suits in a standard tarot deck are Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit is associated with an element and carries its own unique symbolism and energy. By understanding the qualities and characteristics of each suit, we can gain deeper insights into the messages conveyed by the cards.

Number of cards in each suit

Each suit contains 14 cards, making a total of 56 cards in the Minor Arcana. These cards are further divided into Ace to Ten, with four additional court cards in each suit. The Ace represents the purest expression of the suit’s energy, while the court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King) embody various aspects of that suit. Together, the cards in each suit cover a broad spectrum of experiences, providing a comprehensive view of different aspects of life and the human experience.


Description of the Cups suit

The Cups suit in a tarot deck is associated with emotions, relationships, intuition, and creativity. It represents the realm of the heart and reflects our deepest feelings and desires. The imagery in the Cups cards often depicts cups or chalices, symbolizing emotional fulfillment and the flow of love and compassion. When Cups cards appear in a reading, they often indicate matters of the heart, including love, relationships, and emotional well-being.

Number of cards in the Cups suit

The Cups suit contains 14 cards in the tarot deck. These cards range from Ace to Ten, symbolizing different stages and aspects of emotions and relationships. Each card carries its own unique meaning and offers insights into the emotional aspects of our lives. Whether it’s the joyous celebration of the Three of Cups or the introspective solitude of the Four of Cups, the Cups suit provides valuable guidance and understanding in matters of the heart.

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Description of the Wands suit

The Wands suit in a tarot deck embodies the element of fire and is associated with passion, energy, ambition, and creativity. It represents our personal power, will, and drive. The Wands cards often feature imagery of wands, staffs, or flames, symbolizing the fiery energy that fuels our desires and pursuits. When Wands cards appear in a reading, they often suggest opportunities for growth, action, and personal transformation.

Number of cards in the Wands suit

Similar to the Cups suit, the Wands suit also contains 14 cards in the tarot deck. From the Ace to the Ten, each card represents a different aspect of passion, ambition, and creativity. The Wands suit invites us to tap into our inner fire and pursue our goals with enthusiasm and determination. Whether it’s the creative inspiration represented by the Ace of Wands or the transformative power of the Death card, the Wands suit offers valuable insights into the pursuit of our passions.


Description of the Swords suit

The Swords suit in a tarot deck is associated with the element of air and represents intellect, communication, mental clarity, and decision-making. It reflects the power of the mind and the challenges and conflicts we face in our thoughts and communication. The Swords cards often depict swords or blades, symbolizing the sharpness of our intellect and the potential for both constructive and destructive thinking patterns. When Swords cards appear in a reading, they often indicate the need for mental clarity, honest communication, and making difficult choices.

Number of cards in the Swords suit

Just like the Cups and Wands suits, the Swords suit also comprises 14 cards in the tarot deck. These cards span from the Ace to the Ten, representing different facets of our thinking processes and mental challenges. Each card offers insights into the power of our thoughts and the importance of clarity and truth in our communication. Whether it’s the piercing perception of the King of Swords or the realization of new perspectives in the Eight of Swords, the Swords suit guides us in navigating the realms of intellect and communication.


Description of the Pentacles suit

The Pentacles suit in a tarot deck is associated with the element of earth and represents material abundance, stability, practicality, and the physical realm. It reflects our relationship with wealth, career, health, and the tangible aspects of our lives. The Pentacles cards often feature imagery related to money, material possessions, or nature’s abundance, symbolizing our connection with the physical world. When Pentacles cards appear in a reading, they often indicate financial matters, career opportunities, or the need to establish a solid foundation in our lives.

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Number of cards in the Pentacles suit

Similarly, the Pentacles suit consists of 14 cards in the tarot deck. From the Ace to the Ten, each card embodies a different aspect of material abundance, practicality, and grounded energy. The Pentacles suit guides us in understanding our relationship with resources, money, and the material world. Whether it’s the prosperous energy of the Nine of Pentacles or the nurturing qualities of the Queen of Pentacles, the Pentacles suit offers valuable insights into creating stability and abundance in our lives.

Court Cards

Explanation of Court Cards

The Court Cards in a tarot deck represent different people or personalities that may have an influence on our lives or possess certain qualities we need to embody. These cards often depict individuals such as Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings, each representing a specific suit and energy. While the other cards in the tarot deck represent situations or events, the Court Cards personify these energies and can offer insight into relationships, interactions, or guidance on how to embody certain qualities.

Number of court cards in each suit

In each suit of the tarot deck, there are four court cards: the Page, Knight, Queen, and King. These court cards are associated with the energy and qualities of their respective suits. The Pages often represent youthful energy, curiosity, and potential, while the Knights embody action, courage, and determination. The Queens symbolize nurturing, intuition, and emotional intelligence, while the Kings stand for authority, leadership, and mastery. Together, the court cards bring a human element to the tarot deck, offering guidance and insights into different aspects of our lives and relationships.

Meaning of Each Suit

Interpretation of the symbolism in each suit

Each suit in the tarot deck holds its own unique symbolism and offers a distinct perspective on various aspects of life. Here is a brief interpretation of the symbolism and themes associated with each suit:

  • Cups: Emotions, love, relationships, intuition, and creativity.
  • Wands: Passion, energy, ambition, and personal power.
  • Swords: Intellect, communication, mental clarity, and decision-making.
  • Pentacles: Material abundance, stability, practicality, and the physical realm.

The symbolism within each suit provides powerful insights into different areas of our lives. By understanding the qualities and themes associated with each suit, we can delve deeper into the messages and meanings conveyed by the cards during a reading.


Summary of the article

In summary, a tarot deck consists of both Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards. The Major Arcana, with its 22 cards, represents significant life events and archetypal themes. On the other hand, the Minor Arcana, comprising 56 cards divided into four suits, offers insights into day-to-day experiences and challenges. Each suit – Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles – holds its own symbolism and energy, covering emotions, passion, intellect, and material aspects of life, respectively.

The tarot deck also includes court cards, representing different personalities and energies, and bringing a human element into readings. By understanding the number of cards in each suit, their meanings, and the symbolism within them, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our relationships, and our life’s journey. Whether you are seeking clarity, guidance, or self-reflection, the tarot deck is a valuable tool that can provide illumination and insights into the various aspects of your life.