Should I Read My Own Tarot Cards?

Curiosity piques as you ponder whether you should take the plunge and read your own tarot cards. The idea of pulling back the mystical veil and exploring the secrets that lie within the cards is undeniably intriguing. Will uncovering your future reveal unexpected insights, or is it merely a meaningless act of self-indulgence? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of diving into the realm of tarot card reading and guide you towards unraveling the mystique surrounding this ancient practice. So, grab your deck and prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery as we delve into the question – should you read your own tarot cards?

Understanding Tarot Cards

Tarot cards have a rich history and are deeply rooted in various cultures. They are believed to have originated in the 14th century as playing cards in Europe. Over time, they evolved into a tool for divination and spiritual guidance. Today, tarot cards are used by many as a means to gain insight, explore their own intuition, and connect with deeper aspects of themselves and the world around them.

History of Tarot Cards

The history of tarot cards is fascinating and spans several centuries. The origins of tarot can be traced back to the Italian Renaissance, where they were initially created as a playing card game. However, it wasn’t until the 18th century that tarot cards began to be associated with divination and esoteric practices. Since then, tarot decks have evolved from simple playing cards to intricate and symbolic illustrations, each carrying its own unique meaning and energy.

How Tarot Cards Work

Tarot cards work on the principle of synchronicity, which is the belief that meaningful coincidences occur in our lives. When you shuffle the deck and draw cards, the specific cards you pull are believed to reflect the energies and themes present in your life at that moment. These cards, along with your own intuition and interpretation, can provide guidance, clarity, and insights into various aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, and personal growth.

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Types of Tarot Decks

There is a wide variety of tarot decks available, each with its own distinct symbolism and energy. The most commonly known and widely used deck is the Rider-Waite Tarot, which features detailed illustrations and a traditional structure. Other popular decks include the Thoth Tarot, the Marseille Tarot, and the Osho Zen Tarot. Additionally, there are countless decks that cater to specific themes or spiritual traditions, allowing you to find a deck that resonates with your personal preferences and connection.

Benefits of Reading Tarot Cards

Reading tarot cards can offer numerous benefits, beyond just gaining insight into the future. Here are some of the key advantages that come with practicing tarot:

Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Tarot cards provide a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. They can help you delve into your subconscious mind, bringing hidden thoughts, desires, and fears to the surface. By exploring these aspects, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and can make informed choices that align with your true desires.

Developing Intuition and Psychic Abilities

Regularly engaging with tarot cards can enhance your intuition and psychic abilities. As you become familiar with the meanings and symbolism of the cards, you develop a stronger connection to your intuition, allowing you to trust your instincts and make decisions with greater confidence.

Gaining Clarity and Insight

Tarot cards can provide valuable insights and clarity when you’re faced with uncertainty or difficult situations. By examining the cards and interpreting their messages, you can gain a fresh perspective on your circumstances and make more informed choices that align with your highest good.

Exploring Creativity and Imagination

Working with tarot cards can also ignite your creativity and imagination. The intricate illustrations and symbolism within the cards offer a vast array of visual storytelling and interpretation. This opens up a whole new world of creative exploration and can inspire you to tap into your own creative potential.

Connecting with Spirituality

Tarot cards offer a bridge to the spiritual realm. Many people find that through tarot readings, they can connect with their higher selves, spirit guides, or even the divine. This connection can bring a sense of peace, guidance, and spiritual fulfillment.

Considerations Before Reading Your Own Tarot Cards

While reading your own tarot cards can be a rewarding and insightful experience, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

Objective Perspective and Self-Bias

Reading your own tarot cards requires an objective perspective, as it can be easy to let personal biases and desires influence the interpretation of the cards. It’s essential to approach each reading with an open mind and be willing to accept the messages and insights that the cards reveal, even if they may not align with what you initially hoped for.

Emotional Attachment and Interference

Emotional attachment to a particular outcome or situation can also interfere with the accuracy and clarity of a tarot reading. It’s important to detach emotionally from the questions or issues you seek guidance on, allowing for a more objective and unbiased interpretation of the cards.

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Lack of Experience and Knowledge

Just like any skill, reading tarot cards requires practice and knowledge. If you’re new to tarot, it’s important to dedicate time to study and familiarize yourself with the cards’ meanings and symbolism. Building a foundation of knowledge will allow you to interpret the cards more accurately and confidently.

Misinterpretation and Misleading Readings

There is always a risk of misinterpreting the cards or assigning inaccurate meanings to them. This can lead to misleading readings and potentially misguiding decisions. It’s crucial to approach tarot readings with a discerning eye and a willingness to reflect on the messages received, seeking additional guidance or clarification when needed.

Developing Skills and Knowledge for Effective Tarot Reading

To become an effective tarot reader, it’s essential to develop certain skills and knowledge. Here are some key areas to focus on:

Studying the Tarot Symbolism and Meanings

Invest time in studying and familiarizing yourself with the symbolism and meanings of the tarot cards. Each card carries its own unique energy and message, and understanding these nuances will allow you to interpret the cards accurately and provide meaningful guidance.

Understanding Tarot Spreads and Layouts

Tarot spreads and layouts refer to the arrangement of cards and their positions during a reading. Explore different types of spreads and learn how to interpret the relationships between the cards based on their placements. This will help you structure and organize your readings effectively.

Establishing Rituals and Creating a Sacred Space

Creating a ritual around your tarot practice can enhance the experience and deepen your connection to the cards. Consider incorporating elements like cleansing your deck, lighting candles, or saying a prayer before you begin a reading. Additionally, create a dedicated space where you can conduct your readings, free from distractions and interruptions.

Intuitive Development and Meditation

Developing your intuition plays a significant role in tarot reading. Practice meditation and other intuitive exercises to strengthen your connection to your inner wisdom. Trusting your intuition will allow you to interpret the cards more fluidly and accurately.

Alternative Approaches to Tarot Card Readings

While reading your own tarot cards can be a valuable experience, there are alternatives worth considering:

Seeking Professional Tarot Readers

If you feel unsure about reading your own cards or wish to receive a more objective perspective, seeking guidance from a professional tarot reader can be beneficial. They can offer insights and interpretations based on their expertise and experience, providing clarity and guidance in areas where you may feel stuck.

Exchanging Tarot Readings with Others

Engaging in tarot readings with others can be a mutually beneficial way to explore different interpretations and gain fresh insights. Consider exchanging readings with friends or joining tarot reading groups and communities where you can learn from and share experiences with like-minded individuals.

Participating in Tarot Study Groups

Joining tarot study groups can be an excellent way to expand your knowledge and improve your reading skills. Group discussions and exercises can help deepen your understanding of the cards and offer valuable insights from others’ perspectives.

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Steps for Reading Your Own Tarot Cards

If you decide to read your own tarot cards, here are the steps to guide you:

Choosing and Cleansing Your Tarot Deck

Select a tarot deck that resonates with you and your personal style. Before using the deck for the first time, cleanse it of any residual energies by gently shuffling the cards, or incorporating purification rituals such as smudging or using crystals.

Setting an Intention and Asking Clear Questions

Before each reading, set a clear intention for what you wish to gain insight into. Formulate your questions precisely, ensuring they are open-ended and focused on gaining understanding rather than seeking specific outcomes.

Shuffling and Drawing Tarot Cards

Shuffle the deck thoroughly while focusing on your intention or question. Trust your intuition and draw the number of cards needed for your chosen spread or layout. The cards that emerge are believed to hold the answers and guidance you seek.

Interpreting the Cards and Reading the Spread

Take time to study each card’s meanings and symbolism in the context of the spread. Consider individual card interpretations, as well as the relationships and connections between the cards. Journaling your thoughts and initial impressions can provide further clarity and serve as a reference for future readings.

Reflecting on the Reading and Taking Action

After interpreting the cards, take a moment to reflect on their messages and how they relate to your life or situation. Consider any action steps or shifts in perspective that the reading suggests. Tarot readings are not meant to predict the future conclusively; rather, they guide you in making empowered choices.

Common Misconceptions About Tarot Cards

Misconceptions about tarot cards are abundant. Let’s clear up a few common misunderstandings:

Fortune-Telling and Predicting the Future

Contrary to popular belief, tarot cards are not meant for fortune-telling or predicting the future with absolute certainty. Instead, they offer guidance and insights based on current energies and potential outcomes. Tarot readings are more focused on empowering individuals to make informed choices rather than providing definitive predictions.

Negative Associations and Misuse of Tarot

Unfortunately, tarot cards have often been associated with negative connotations, such as being used for malevolent purposes or seen as a tool of the occult. However, tarot cards, like any tool, can be used responsibly and ethically. It’s essential to approach tarot with respect and understanding, using it as a tool for personal growth and self-reflection.

Religious and Cultural Beliefs about Tarot

Different cultures and religious beliefs may view tarot differently. While some may see it as incompatible with their religious or cultural practices, others may embrace tarot as a means of spiritual exploration. It’s important to be mindful and respectful of these varying perspectives and to approach tarot in a way that aligns with your own beliefs and values.

Using Tarot Cards Responsibly and Ethically

To ensure responsible and ethical use of tarot cards, consider the following guidelines:

Respecting Tarot as a Tool

View tarot as a tool for guidance and self-reflection, rather than depending solely on it for making life decisions. Remember that you have the power and responsibility to shape your own destiny, and tarot cards are simply a means of gaining insight along the way.

Obtaining Consent and Providing Readings with Integrity

When reading tarot for others, always obtain their consent and make sure they feel comfortable with the process. Respect privacy and confidentiality, ensuring that the information shared during the reading remains confidential. Provide readings with integrity, offering a compassionate and non-judgmental space for exploration.

Maintaining Confidentiality and Boundaries

If you receive a tarot reading from a professional or participate in tarot reading exchanges, it’s important to respect the confidentiality of the information shared. Maintain clear boundaries and avoid sharing personal details from readings without the consent of those involved.


Reading tarot cards can be a deeply rewarding and enlightening experience. As you explore the world of tarot, remember to approach it with an open mind and a sense of curiosity. Embrace the personal choice and empowerment that tarot offers, finding a balance between skepticism and openness. Whether you read for yourself or seek guidance from a professional, tarot cards can serve as a powerful tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and spiritual connection. Enjoy the journey of delving into the mystical realm of tarot and uncovering the insights it holds.