What’s The Difference Between A Tarot Deck And An Oracle Deck?

Curious about the world of divination? Wondering about the difference between a tarot deck and an oracle deck? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the distinction between these two popular tools of spiritual guidance. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, understanding the unique qualities of each deck can enhance your spiritual journey and empower you to tap into the cosmic wisdom that awaits. So, let’s explore the subtle yet significant differences between tarot and oracle decks and discover which one resonates with you the most.


Tarot and oracle decks are two popular tools used for divination and guidance. While they share similarities in their purpose, they have distinct differences in terms of structure, card meanings, symbolism, reading style, and popular uses. Understanding the distinction between tarot and oracle decks can help you choose the right tool for your needs and preferences.

Definition of tarot deck

A tarot deck is a set of 78 cards, typically divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Each card carries specific meanings and symbolism, and together they form a complex system that can provide insights into various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and personal development.

Definition of oracle deck

On the other hand, an oracle deck is a deck of cards that can vary in number and design. Unlike tarot, there are no strict rules dictating the structure or symbolism of oracle cards. Oracle decks often revolve around specific themes or concepts and offer more flexibility in interpreting the messages they convey.

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Origin of tarot cards

Tarot cards have an intriguing history that dates back to the 15th century. It is believed that the tarot originated in Italy as playing cards. Over time, they evolved into a tool for divination and spiritual exploration. The tarot’s popularity spread across Europe, and different regions developed their own variations of the deck. Today, tarot cards are widely recognized and used for both centuries-old traditions and modern interpretations.

Origin of oracle cards

Oracle cards, on the other hand, have a more recent history. While divination tools have been used throughout human history, oracle decks as we know them today emerged in the 19th century. They were initially used as a means to communicate with spirits and receive guidance. Oracle decks have continued to evolve and diversify in recent years, with countless themes, artistic styles, and approaches available to suit individual preferences.


Number of cards in a tarot deck

A traditional tarot deck comprises 78 cards. These consist of 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana is further divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles, each with numbered cards and court cards representing different characters, such as Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages.

Number of cards in an oracle deck

The number of cards in an oracle deck can vary significantly. Some decks contain 44 or 55 cards, while others may have more than 100 cards. There is no fixed structure for oracle cards, allowing artists and creators the freedom to design their decks according to their creative vision.

Major Arcana cards in a tarot deck

The Major Arcana cards in a tarot deck are the most recognizable and iconic. These 22 cards represent archetypal energies and depict significant life events and experiences. Each Major Arcana card carries its own unique symbolism and can provide profound insights and guidance in a reading.

Themes and variations in oracle decks

Unlike tarot decks, which have a standardized structure, oracle decks are known for their vast diversity in themes and designs. Oracle decks cover a wide range of topics, from angels and spirit animals to affirmations and intuitive guidance. The themes and variations allow users to select a deck that resonates with their personal interests and spiritual beliefs.

Card Meanings

Tarot card meanings

Tarot card meanings are based on a rich and complex system that has developed over centuries. Each card in the tarot has its own symbolism and interpretation. The meanings can vary depending on the context, surrounding cards, and the reader’s intuitive insights. Tarot cards are often interpreted based on their upright and reversed positions, adding depth and nuance to the readings.

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Oracle card meanings

The meanings of oracle cards are typically less rigid and more open to interpretation. While some oracle decks may come with guidebooks or companion materials, the meanings of the cards are often intuitive and subjective. Individuals can tap into their own intuition and personal associations to interpret the messages conveyed by oracle cards. This flexibility allows for a more individualized and personal reading experience.

Symbolism and Imagery

Depiction of symbolism in tarot

Tarot cards are rich in symbolism, with each card featuring specific imagery that represents various aspects of life and human experiences. The artwork on tarot cards often incorporates esoteric and occult symbolism, astrology, numerology, and archetypal figures. These symbols provide layers of meaning and allow readers to delve deeper into the messages the cards convey.

Depiction of symbolism in oracle decks

In oracle decks, symbolism can vary greatly depending on the theme and artistic style of the deck. Oracle cards may draw inspiration from different spiritual traditions, mythologies, and cultural symbols. The artist’s imagination and personal interpretation play a significant role in shaping the symbols and imagery on oracle cards. This diversity allows for a broader range of perspectives and resonances with different individuals.

Reading Style

Tarot reading process

Tarot readings often involve shuffling and laying out the cards in a specific pattern, commonly referred to as a “spread.” The reader then interprets the cards based on their position in the spread, their individual meanings, and their relationship to one another. Tarot readings can provide detailed insights into past, present, and future events, as well as guidance on decision-making and personal growth.

Oracle card reading process

The reading process for oracle cards can be more flexible and intuitive. Some readers may shuffle the cards and draw a single card for immediate guidance, while others may use spreads designed specifically for oracle decks. Oracle card readings often rely on the reader’s intuition and personal connection with the cards, allowing for a more fluid and individualized interpretation.

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Traditional vs. Intuitive Approach

Traditional approach in tarot reading

Tarot readings typically follow established systems and traditions that have been passed down through generations. Many tarot readers study and learn from books, courses, and experienced mentors to develop their proficiency in interpreting and reading the cards. This traditional approach provides a solid foundation and a structured framework for tarot readings.

More intuitive approach in oracle card reading

While some readers may adopt traditional techniques when working with oracle cards, many embrace a more intuitive approach. Oracle cards encourage users to trust their instincts and tap into their own inner wisdom when interpreting the cards’ messages. Intuition and personal connection with the deck play a more significant role in oracle card readings, allowing for more fluid and adaptive interpretations.

Popular Uses

Traditional divination with tarot

Tarot has a long-standing association with divination and fortune-telling. Many people turn to tarot readings seeking insights into their future, gaining clarity on their current circumstances, or understanding hidden influences in their lives. Tarot readings can be used for specific questions or as a general overview, providing guidance and direction.

Self-reflection and guidance with oracle cards

Oracle cards are often embraced as tools for self-reflection, personal growth, and spiritual guidance. Users can draw cards for daily inspiration, reflections on specific challenges, or seeking guidance on personal dilemmas. Oracle decks offer a more intuitive and introspective approach, allowing users to explore their own inner landscapes and access wisdom beyond traditional divination.

Personal Preference

Choosing between tarot and oracle decks

When it comes to choosing between tarot and oracle decks, personal preference is key. Consider your goals, interests, and the type of guidance you seek. If you are drawn to structured systems, complex symbolism, and detailed readings, a tarot deck may be the right choice. On the other hand, if you prefer flexibility, intuitive interpretations, and varied themes, an oracle deck may better suit your needs.

Benefits of using a tarot deck

Using a tarot deck provides the opportunity to explore profound symbolism, archetypal patterns, and in-depth readings. Tarot offers a rich historical and cultural background, with established systems that many find comforting and reliable. Working with tarot cards can deepen self-awareness, provide guidance, and offer a sense of connection to the collective human experience.

Benefits of using an oracle deck

Oracle decks offer more artistic freedom, allowing for a broader range of themes and interpretations. The flexibility of oracle cards allows users to connect more personally with the deck and explore their own intuition and wisdom. Oracle decks can provide gentle guidance, inspiration, and a nurturing space for self-reflection and personal growth.


Understanding the distinction between tarot and oracle decks can help you choose the right tool for your spiritual journey. Tarot decks offer a structured and symbolic approach, providing detailed insights into various aspects of life. Oracle decks, on the other hand, provide flexibility, artistic diversity, and a more intuitive interpretation of the messages conveyed. Whether you choose tarot or oracle, both can serve as powerful tools for self-exploration, guidance, and personal growth.