What Is The First Tarot Card?

Have you ever wondered what the first tarot card is? Well, prepare to unravel the mysteries of the tarot deck as we explore the very beginning. Tarot cards have long been used for divination and self-reflection, offering guidance and insights into our lives. But before we can fully immerse ourselves in the realm of tarot, we must first discover which card holds the key to unlocking this ancient wisdom. Join us as we embark on a journey into the fascinating world of tarot and uncover the significance of the first card.


Tarot cards have intrigued and captivated people for centuries, with their mystical images and ability to provide guidance and insight. These cards, often associated with fortune-telling, actually have a deep and profound significance beyond their superficial association with divination. In this article, we will explore the history, symbolism, and interpretation of the first tarot card – the Fool card, also known as the Jester or the Joker.

History of Tarot Cards

Origins of Tarot Cards

The exact origins of tarot cards are shrouded in mystery, making it difficult to pinpoint their precise beginnings. However, most scholars believe that tarot cards originated in the 15th century, in Europe, specifically in northern Italy. Initially, tarot cards were primarily used for card games, with the earliest known deck called the Tarocchi di Mantegna. Over time, their use expanded to include divination and spiritual practices.

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Importance of Tarot Cards Throughout History

As tarot cards spread throughout Europe, they gained a reputation for their mystical and esoteric nature. They became associated with various secret societies and occult practices, such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Theosophical Society. These organizations regarded tarot cards as a valuable tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and a means of accessing hidden knowledge.

The Major Arcana

Explanation of the Major Arcana

The tarot deck is divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing a significant archetype or life lesson. These cards carry a weight of their own, often symbolizing powerful spiritual or psychological experiences.

Significance and Symbolism of Major Arcana Cards

The Major Arcana cards are essential in tarot readings, as they depict major life events, pivotal moments, and deep transformations. Each card in the Major Arcana holds intricate symbolism and rich imagery, allowing the reader to delve into the depths of the human psyche. They represent the journey of the soul from initial innocence and naivety to self-discovery and enlightenment.

The Fool Card

Introduction to the Fool Card

Among the 22 cards of the Major Arcana, the Fool card holds a unique and intriguing position. Traditionally numbered as 0, the Fool card represents the beginning of the tarot journey. It portrays a carefree individual embarking on an adventure, blissfully unaware of what lies ahead. The Fool card encourages us to take risks, trust the process, and embrace the unknown with courage and enthusiasm.

Meaning and Interpretation of the Fool Card

The Fool card symbolizes new beginnings, spontaneity, and the potential for unlimited possibilities. It advises us to let go of fear and embrace our inner childlike curiosity. The Fool represents a fresh start, reminding us to approach life with a sense of wonder and to dive into new experiences wholeheartedly, regardless of what others might think.

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Different Versions of the Fool Card

Variations of the Fool Card in Different Tarot Decks

Across different tarot decks, including the Rider-Waite deck, the Thoth deck, and the Marseille deck, the imagery and symbolism of the Fool card can vary significantly. While the core meaning remains the same, the artist’s interpretation and personal style add unique elements to each depiction, making them visually distinct from one another.

Differences in Imagery and Symbolism

The Fool card’s imagery can range from a figure adorned with colorful garments and carrying a bindle to a character resembling a jester or even a wanderer. The symbolism incorporated in these different representations further highlights various aspects of the Fool’s journey, such as unpredictability, playfulness, and the need for surrender to the unfolding of life’s mysteries.

The Fool Card in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Explanation of the Fool Card in the Rider-Waite Deck

Created by artist Pamela Colman Smith and writer Arthur Edward Waite, the Rider-Waite Tarot deck is one of the most well-known and widely used tarot decks in the world. The Fool card in this deck features a jovial figure with a small dog at its heels, standing near a precipice, and holding a rose in one hand while another hand reaches towards the sky.

Depiction and Symbolism of the Fool Card in this Deck

In the Rider-Waite deck, the Fool is depicted as a carefree soul ready to embark on a journey. The dog symbolizes loyalty and protection, reminding us of the importance of trusting our intuition and following our instincts on our path. The precipice represents the unknown, urging the Fool to take a leap of faith and embrace the adventure, while the rose symbolizes beauty and the potential for love and growth along the way.

Other Tarot Decks

Introduction to Different Tarot Decks

Beyond the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, numerous other tarot decks exist, each with its own artistic style and interpretation of the cards. Some notable decks include the Thoth Tarot, Marseille Tarot, and the Tarot de Marseilles. These decks have their own unique approaches to visual representation, symbolism, and card order.

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Variations in the Order and Design of Cards

While the Fool card typically holds the position of zero in most tarot decks, the order of the Major Arcana cards can differ from deck to deck. Some decks follow a traditional sequence, while others rearrange the cards to align with a specific philosophy or esoteric tradition. Additionally, the artistic style and overall design of the cards can vary greatly, giving each deck a distinct personality and flavor.

The First Tarot Card

The Position of the Fool Card in the Tarot Deck

Given the Fool card’s association with new beginnings and the start of the tarot journey, it is often considered the first card in the deck. As the Fool represents the protagonist’s initial steps into the unknown, it sets the stage for the transformative and enlightening experiences that unfold throughout the rest of the Major Arcana.

Reasons for Considering the Fool Card as the First Card

The Fool card’s symbolism of fresh starts, untapped potential, and a blank canvas for the soul make it a fitting choice for the position of the first tarot card. It signifies the beginning of a personal quest for self-discovery, encouraging the seeker to approach life’s challenges and opportunities with an open mind and a sense of adventure.

Alternative Opinions

Different Theories About the First Tarot Card

While the Fool card is widely regarded as the first card in the tarot deck, some alternative theories suggest other cards as contenders for this position. For example, some argue for the Juggler, Magician, or even the High Priestess as the true starting point in the Major Arcana.

Arguments for Other Cards Being the First

Proponents of alternative theories suggest that these alternative cards embody the essence of initiation, wisdom, or the forces of creation. They believe that these cards hold a more profound significance as the initial step in the tarot journey, setting the stage for the transformative experiences that follow.


In conclusion, the Fool card, with its childlike curiosity and boundless potential, holds a special place as the first tarot card in this ancient divination system. As we embark on our own personal journeys, the Fool card reminds us to approach life with a sense of wonder, openness, and fearlessness. Its symbolism and interpretation provide valuable insights and guidance, inviting us to take risks, embrace change, and trust in the unfolding of our destinies. So, let the Fool be your guide as you shuffle the cards and enter the realm of the tarot, ready to embark on a transformative adventure of self-discovery and spiritual growth.