Is It Okay To Do Tarot Readings For Yourself?

Have you ever wondered if it’s acceptable to do tarot readings for yourself? Well, the answer might surprise you. Many people have different opinions on this matter, but ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference and belief. While some argue that it’s better to have an outsider’s perspective for a more objective reading, others believe that the power of tarot lies within oneself. So, is it okay to do tarot readings for yourself? Let’s explore the intriguing world of tarot and find out.

The Benefits of Doing Tarot Readings for Yourself

Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Doing tarot readings for yourself can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. When you engage in a tarot reading, you are inviting insights and guidance from your deeper self. Through the cards, you can gain valuable insights into your thoughts, feelings, and motivations. The process of interpreting the cards allows you to explore different aspects of your own personality, including strengths and areas for improvement. By reflecting on the messages conveyed by the tarot, you can gain a greater understanding of yourself and make positive changes in your life.

Convenience and Accessibility

One of the major benefits of doing tarot readings for yourself is the convenience and accessibility it offers. Unlike seeking a professional tarot reader, you can practice the art of tarot in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, and according to your own schedule. Whether it’s early in the morning, late at night, or during your lunch break, you have the freedom to do tarot readings whenever it suits you. This accessibility ensures that you can regularly engage with the tarot, allowing for a deeper and more familiar connection with the cards over time.

Empowerment and Taking Control

Engaging in self-tarot readings can empower you to take control of your life and make informed decisions. The cards serve as a tool for self-empowerment, offering guidance and insights that encourage you to trust your intuition and make choices aligned with your true self. By conducting your own readings, you are no longer dependent on the interpretations of others. You have the power to interpret the cards based on your own intuition and understanding of the symbolism, putting you in the driver’s seat of your spiritual journey.

The Importance of Setting Intentions

Clarifying Your Purpose

Setting intentions before a tarot reading is crucial to enhancing your experience and gaining meaningful insights. Before you embark on a self-reading, take a moment to reflect on the purpose of the reading. Are you seeking guidance on a specific issue, or are you looking for general insights about your life? Clarifying your purpose helps to focus your energy and brings greater clarity to the messages that the tarot holds for you. It allows you to approach your reading with a sense of purpose and direction, enhancing the quality of the guidance you receive.

Focusing Your Energy

Intention-setting also helps to focus your energy during a tarot reading. As you set your intention, you consciously direct your attention and energy towards the task at hand. This focused energy creates a sacred space within which the tarot cards can communicate with you more effectively. By quieting your mind and channeling your energy towards your intention, you create a receptive environment that allows for deeper insights and connections to be made. This concentrated energy creates an optimal environment for your self-reading.

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Aligning with Your Higher Self

Setting intentions aligns you with your higher self and opens the channels for spiritual guidance. By making your intention clear, you are signaling to the universe and your higher self that you are ready and open to receive guidance through the tarot. This alignment strengthens your connection to your intuition and heightens your ability to interpret the cards accurately. When you set intentions for your self-readings, you are actively participating in your spiritual journey and co-creating the messages that come through the tarot.

Building a Personal Connection with the Cards

Developing Intuition and Trust

Engaging in regular self-tarot readings is a surefire way to develop and strengthen your intuition. As you spend time with the cards, you become more attuned to their energy and symbolism, deepening your connection and understanding of them. By practicing regularly, you become more confident in your interpretations and learn to trust your own intuition. This ability to trust yourself extends beyond the realm of tarot readings and can positively influence your decision-making and overall sense of self-trust.

Customizing Your Tarot Practice

When you do tarot readings for yourself, you have the freedom to customize your practice to suit your unique preferences and needs. Whether it’s the choice of tarot deck, the ritual or meditation you incorporate, or the spread you use, you have the flexibility to tailor your tarot practice according to what resonates with you. This personalization enhances your connection to the cards and deepens your intuitive understanding of their messages. By customizing your tarot practice, you are able to create an experience that feels authentic and aligned with your individual spiritual journey.

Exploring Personal Symbols and Meanings

A major advantage of doing tarot readings for yourself is the opportunity to explore personal symbols and meanings within the cards. While there are traditional interpretations for each card, the cards also hold personal significance based on our own experiences and beliefs. When you engage in self-tarot readings, you can pay attention to the symbols and imagery that particularly resonate with you. These personal symbols and meanings offer a unique layer of guidance and insight that is specific to your own journey. By delving into these personal associations, you can unlock deeper levels of understanding during your self-readings.

Avoiding Bias and Confirmation Bias

Recognizing Personal Biases

When conducting self-tarot readings, it’s important to be aware of and recognize your personal biases. Our experiences, beliefs, and emotions can unconsciously influence our interpretations of the cards. Being mindful of your personal biases helps ensure that you approach the reading with a more open and objective mindset. By cultivating self-awareness, you can catch yourself if you find your interpretations skewed or influenced by preconceived notions or desires. This recognition enables you to embrace a more neutral stance and allows the true messages of the tarot to come through.

Approaching Readings with an Open Mind

Approaching self-tarot readings with an open mind is key to receiving unbiased guidance. To avoid the pitfalls of confirmation bias, it’s important to approach the cards with curiosity and receptivity. Instead of seeking validation or confirmation of what you want to hear, remain open to receiving guidance that may challenge or expand your perspective. This open-mindedness encourages a rich and diverse range of insights and prevents you from limiting the potential of the tarot as a transformative tool.

Seeking External Perspectives

While self-tarot readings can be illuminating, it’s also beneficial to seek external perspectives from time to time. Consulting with other tarot readers or joining tarot communities and study groups can provide fresh insights and interpretations that you may not have considered. Exposing yourself to a variety of viewpoints broadens your understanding of the cards and can enrich your own interpretations. Seeking external perspectives helps to overcome the limitations of self-bias and allows you to approach your self-readings with a more well-rounded and open perspective.

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The Challenges of Self-Readings

Objectivity and Emotional Attachment

One of the challenges of self-tarot readings is maintaining objectivity and avoiding emotional attachment to the outcomes. It can be difficult to separate your personal desires and fears from the messages that the cards convey. Your emotional investment in the outcome may cloud your judgment and lead to less accurate interpretations. It’s important to be mindful of the emotions that arise during a reading and take a step back to assess them objectively. By acknowledging and letting go of emotional attachments, you can approach your self-readings with greater clarity and objectivity.

Over-Analyzing and Second-Guessing

Another challenge of self-tarot readings is the tendency to over-analyze and second-guess your interpretations. It’s natural to want to find deeper meaning in every card or to doubt your initial understanding of the messages. However, this over-analysis can lead to confusion and doubt, ultimately hindering your ability to gain valuable insights. It’s important to strike a balance between analyzing the cards and trusting your intuition. Learning to trust the initial impressions that come to you during a reading allows for a more authentic and insightful experience.

Addressing Complex or Sensitive Issues

Addressing complex or sensitive issues in self-tarot readings can be challenging, especially when emotions are running high. It can be difficult to maintain a clear and unbiased mindset when navigating personal traumas, deep-seated beliefs, or challenging life situations. In these instances, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a professional tarot reader who can provide objective insights and support. Recognizing your limitations and knowing when to seek outside help ensures that you receive the guidance you need to navigate delicate issues with care and wisdom.

Tips for Effective Self-Tarot Readings

Creating a Sacred Space

Creating a sacred space for your self-tarot readings is essential to establish a conducive environment for spiritual connection. Whether it’s a dedicated corner in your home or a portable altar, designating a space exclusively for your tarot practice helps to create a sense of focus and intention. Clear the space of any distractions, light candles, burn incense or sage, and surround yourself with items that hold personal significance. This intentional space sets the stage for deep and meaningful self-readings.

Establishing Clear Questions

Before starting a self-tarot reading, it’s important to establish clear and specific questions. The questions you ask provide the framework for your interpretation and guide the messages that come through the cards. Vague or open-ended questions can lead to ambiguous or confusing responses. By taking the time to formulate clear and concise questions, you set the stage for a focused and insightful reading. Consider the aspects of your life or situations you would like guidance on, and phrase your questions accordingly.

Recording and Reflecting on Readings

To make the most of your self-tarot readings, it’s beneficial to record and reflect on each reading. By keeping a tarot journal or recording your readings in some form, you create a valuable resource for future reference and self-reflection. In your journal, make note of the questions you asked, the cards that were drawn, and your initial interpretations and insights. As time passes, return to your journal to reflect on the accuracy of your interpretations and how the messages have unfolded in your life. This practice helps to deepen your understanding of the tarot and your personal growth journey.

Seeking External Validation and Perspective

Consulting Other Tarot Readers

While self-tarot readings are insightful, seeking the perspective of other tarot readers can offer valuable insights and validation. Consulting with other tarot readers allows you to benefit from their experience and expertise. They may offer alternative interpretations or shed light on symbols that you may have overlooked. Engaging in conversations with other readers can expand your knowledge and challenge your interpretations, promoting a deeper understanding of the cards. Seeking external validation and perspective provides a well-rounded approach to your self-tarot practice.

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Joining Tarot Communities or Study Groups

Joining tarot communities or study groups provides a supportive and enriching environment for your tarot journey. Engaging with fellow tarot enthusiasts allows you to exchange ideas, ask questions, and receive feedback on your interpretations. Sharing your experiences and insights within a community fosters growth and nurtures your connection to the cards. By participating in tarot communities or study groups, you broaden your perspective and deepen your knowledge, all while cultivating meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.

Obtaining Professional Tarot Readings

In addition to self-readings and seeking external perspectives, it’s valuable to obtain professional tarot readings from time to time. Professional tarot readers possess a wealth of experience and offer a level of objectivity that can provide fresh insights into your life circumstances. They are skilled in interpreting the cards and can offer guidance that may be beyond your own current understanding. Professional readings can serve as a complement to your self-tarot practice, providing additional layers of wisdom and guidance when you need them most.

Maintaining Ethical and Responsible Tarot Practice

Respecting Privacy and Consent

When conducting tarot readings, whether for yourself or others, it is vital to respect privacy and obtain consent. Tarot readings can delve into personal and sensitive aspects of one’s life, and it’s crucial to handle this information with care and confidentiality. If you are conducting readings for others, always seek their consent before starting, and ensure that their privacy is protected. When conducting self-tarot readings, maintain a sense of privacy for yourself. It is important to respect the sacredness of the information and insights that come through the cards.

Being Mindful of Vulnerable Situations

In the realm of tarot readings, it’s important to be mindful of vulnerable situations and exercise caution. If you find yourself or someone else in a vulnerable emotional state or facing significant life challenges, approach the tarot with care and sensitivity. Tarot readings should never be used as a tool to exploit vulnerability or manipulate emotions. Use the tarot as a source of guidance and support, while being mindful of the fragility and potential impact of the messages being received.

Honoring the Cards and Their Symbolism

When engaging in self-tarot readings, it’s essential to honor the cards and their symbolism. Treat the tarot with reverence and respect, recognizing the depth and wisdom they hold. Take the time to learn about the history and meanings behind the cards, and develop a connection with them beyond their practical use as a divination tool. By honoring the cards and their symbolism, you cultivate a deeper appreciation for the art of tarot and approach your readings with a reverence that enhances your connection and understanding.

Balancing Self-Readings with Professional Readings

Knowing When to Seek Professional Help

While self-tarot readings can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, there may be times when it is necessary to seek professional help. If you find yourself grappling with complex life issues, intense emotions, or unable to gain clarity through self-readings, a professional tarot reader can provide valuable guidance and support. They bring a fresh perspective and can offer insights that may be obscured by personal bias or limitations. Knowing when to seek professional help ensures that you have the resources and guidance you need to navigate challenging situations with clarity and wisdom.

Combining Personal Insights and External Guidance

Balancing self-readings with external guidance allows you to benefit from both personal insights and the perspective of others. While self-readings offer a unique connection to your own intuition and personal symbolism, external guidance can provide valuable perspectives and interpretations. By combining personal insights with the wisdom of others, you gain a broader understanding of the messages being conveyed by the cards. This balanced approach allows you to make the most informed decisions and navigate life’s challenges with a holistic and well-rounded perspective.

Using Self-Readings to Enhance Professional Readings

Self-readings can also be used to enhance the effectiveness of professional tarot readings. By regularly engaging in self-tarot practice, you deepen your understanding of the cards and your connection to your intuition. This self-awareness and intuitive development can significantly enhance your experience during professional readings. By bringing a developed sense of intuition and familiarity with the cards to your session, you are better able to interpret and connect with the guidance provided by the professional reader. Self-readings serve as a complement to professional readings, enabling you to maximize the benefits of both.


Engaging in tarot readings for yourself offers numerous benefits for self-reflection, personal growth, and empowerment. By setting intentions, building a personal connection with the cards, and seeking external perspectives, you can deepen your understanding of the tarot and gain valuable insights into your own life journey. While self-readings have their challenges, such as maintaining objectivity and addressing complex issues, following helpful tips and balancing professional readings can enhance your overall tarot experience. Embrace the power of tarot as a tool for self-discovery and empowerment, and embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and spiritual connection. With dedication and openness, your self-tarot practice can become a powerful resource for navigating life’s challenges, gaining clarity, and embracing your truest self.