Is It OK To Read Tarot To Yourself?

Have you ever wondered if it is acceptable to read tarot cards for yourself? Many people have hesitations when it comes to interpreting their own cards, fearing that they might be biased or unable to see the full picture. However, exploring the realm of self-tarot reading can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. In this article, we will explore the benefits of reading tarot cards to yourself, address common concerns, and provide tips to help you embark on this enlightening journey of self-discovery. So, grab your deck and let’s uncover the magic within you.

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Benefits of Reading Tarot to Yourself

Self-reflection and self-awareness

Reading tarot cards to yourself can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-awareness. By exploring the symbolic meanings and messages of the cards, you can gain valuable insights into your own thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Tarot allows you to delve deep into your subconscious and uncover hidden aspects of yourself, helping you to develop a better understanding of who you are and what motivates you.

Empowerment and personal growth

One of the greatest benefits of reading tarot to yourself is the sense of empowerment and personal growth it can bring. As you learn to interpret the cards and trust your intuition, you become more confident in your ability to navigate life’s challenges and make informed decisions. Tarot can provide guidance and support, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom and take control of your own destiny. It encourages introspection and encourages you to take responsibility for your actions, ultimately leading to personal growth and transformation.

Convenience and flexibility

Reading tarot to yourself offers the convenience and flexibility of being able to seek guidance whenever you need it. Whether you’re facing a difficult decision or simply seeking clarity in your thoughts and emotions, tarot is always readily available to provide guidance and insight. Unlike relying on others for readings, reading tarot to yourself allows you to connect with the cards and access their wisdom at any time, making it a convenient and accessible practice.

Challenges of Reading Tarot to Yourself

Personal bias and subjectivity

One of the challenges of reading tarot to yourself is the potential for personal bias and subjectivity. It’s natural to interpret the cards in a way that aligns with our own desires and beliefs, which can cloud our judgment and prevent us from seeing the full picture. It’s important to remain aware of our own biases and strive to approach readings with an open mind and a willingness to consider different perspectives.

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Lack of objectivity and second opinions

When reading tarot to yourself, there is a lack of objectivity that can make it difficult to gain alternative viewpoints or receive second opinions. Without the input of others, it’s easy to become stuck in our own interpretations and fail to see alternative possibilities or solutions. Seeking the input and perspectives of others can offer valuable insights and help to ensure a more well-rounded and balanced understanding of the messages within the cards.

Limited perspective

Reading tarot to yourself can sometimes lead to a limited perspective. While it’s a valuable practice for self-reflection and personal growth, it can be challenging to see beyond our own biases and limitations. Other people may bring new perspectives and insights that we may not have considered, expanding our understanding and providing a broader view of the situation at hand. It’s important to actively seek out different perspectives and remain open to new interpretations when reading tarot to yourself.

Tips for Reading Tarot to Yourself

Create a sacred and focused space

When reading tarot to yourself, it’s helpful to create a sacred and focused space. Find a quiet place where you can be alone and free from distractions. You may choose to light candles, burn incense, or play calming music to create a peaceful atmosphere. By setting this sacred space, you invite a sense of reverence and intention into your practice, allowing for a deeper connection with the cards.

Set clear intentions and ask clear questions

Before conducting a tarot reading for yourself, it’s essential to set clear intentions and ask clear questions. Take a moment to reflect on what you hope to gain from the reading and what specific areas of your life or situations you want guidance on. Formulate questions that are specific and focused, as this will help guide the interpretation of the cards and provide clear insights.

Trust your intuition and inner guidance

When reading tarot to yourself, it’s crucial to trust your intuition and inner guidance. As you become more familiar with the cards and their meanings, you’ll find that certain cards or images resonate with you on a deeper level. Pay attention to these intuitive nudges and allow your inner wisdom to guide you in deciphering their meaning. Trusting yourself and your intuition will enhance the accuracy and relevance of your readings.

Developing Your Tarot Reading Skills

Study and familiarize yourself with tarot card meanings

To develop your tarot reading skills, it’s important to study and familiarize yourself with the meanings of the tarot cards. Take the time to explore the symbolism, archetypes, and themes associated with each card. There are many resources available, including books, online tutorials, and workshops, that can help deepen your understanding of the tarot deck. The more you familiarize yourself with the cards, the more confident and accurate your interpretations will become.

Practice interpreting and journaling about tarot readings

Practice is essential in developing your tarot reading skills. Regularly conduct readings for yourself and take the time to interpret the messages of the cards. Keep a tarot journal where you can record your readings, interpretations, and any insights or personal reflections that arise. By journaling about your tarot readings, you create a record of your progress and can track patterns or recurring themes that may emerge over time.

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Join online tarot communities and seek feedback

Engaging with online tarot communities can be immensely beneficial in developing your tarot reading skills. Connect with fellow enthusiasts and experienced readers who can offer guidance, support, and feedback on your readings. Online forums, social media groups, and tarot discussion boards are great places to connect with like-minded individuals and share your experiences. Seeking feedback from others can help expand your understanding of the cards and provide valuable insights.

Finding Balance with Professional Readings

Occasionally seek professional tarot readings for guidance and validation

While reading tarot to yourself is a valuable practice, it’s important to occasionally seek professional tarot readings for guidance and validation. Professional tarot readers possess years of experience and have honed their skills to provide accurate, insightful readings. Their objective perspective can offer a fresh and impartial view of your situation, helping you gain additional clarity and perspective. When seeking professional readings, choose reputable practitioners who align with your beliefs and values.

Avoid relying solely on tarot for major life decisions

Although tarot can provide guidance and insight, it’s essential to avoid relying solely on it for major life decisions. Tarot should be used as a tool for self-reflection and exploration, offering different perspectives and insights. Ultimately, you are responsible for your own choices and actions. Consider tarot as one of many factors in decision-making, along with your own intuition, research, and consultation with trusted friends, family, or professionals.

Maintain self-accountability and personal responsibility

When incorporating tarot readings into your decision-making process, it’s crucial to maintain self-accountability and personal responsibility. Tarot can offer guidance and support, but it is ultimately your responsibility to make choices and take actions that align with your values and goals. Recognize that the power lies within yourself, and use tarot as a tool to empower and inform your decisions rather than relying solely on external sources.

Avoiding Obsession and Dependence

Set boundaries and time limits for tarot readings

To avoid obsession and dependence on tarot readings, it’s important to set clear boundaries and time limits for your practice. Determine how often you will conduct readings and how much time you will dedicate to each session. By setting these limitations, you prevent yourself from becoming overly reliant on tarot and maintain a healthy balance in your life. Treat tarot as a tool for guidance and self-reflection, rather than an all-consuming obsession.

Be mindful of developing an unhealthy attachment to tarot readings

While tarot can be a valuable tool, it’s crucial to be mindful of developing an unhealthy attachment to the practice. Watch for signs of dependency or obsession, such as constantly seeking reassurance from the cards or relying solely on tarot for decision-making. Remember that tarot readings are meant to empower and guide you, but they should not become a substitute for personal responsibility and agency.

Seek professional help if tarot reading becomes compulsive or disruptive

If you find that your tarot reading practice has become compulsive or disruptive to your daily life, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. A qualified therapist or counselor can assist you in understanding and addressing any underlying issues that may be driving your obsession with tarot. Seeking support is a sign of strength and self-awareness, and it can help you find a healthy balance in your relationship with tarot.

Ethical Considerations

Respect the privacy and consent of others when reading tarot for yourself

When reading tarot for yourself, it’s important to respect the privacy and consent of others. Avoid reading tarot for individuals without their explicit permission, as it may intrude on their personal boundaries. It’s also essential to keep the information and insights gained from your readings confidential, unless explicitly permitted by the individual involved. Respecting the privacy and consent of others demonstrates ethical conduct in your tarot practice.

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Use tarot responsibly and ethically

As a tarot reader, it’s your responsibility to use tarot responsibly and ethically. Treat the cards with reverence and respect, recognizing their potential to offer guidance and insight. Avoid using tarot for manipulative or self-serving purposes, such as attempting to control or influence others through readings. Use your intuitive abilities and the wisdom of the cards to empower and support both yourself and those you read for.

Do not exploit vulnerable individuals or manipulate tarot readings for personal gain

One of the most crucial ethical considerations in tarot reading is to never exploit vulnerable individuals or manipulate tarot readings for personal gain. Tarot should never be used to take advantage of someone’s vulnerability or manipulate their emotions. Ensure that you offer readings from a place of integrity and compassion, always focusing on empowering the individual and helping them gain clarity rather than using the cards for personal gain.

Cultivating a Supportive Tarot Practice

Find a trusted tarot mentor or teacher for guidance and support

Cultivating a supportive tarot practice can be enhanced by finding a trusted tarot mentor or teacher for guidance and support. Seek out someone who has extensive experience and knowledge in tarot and resonates with your personal values. A mentor or teacher can provide valuable insights, answer questions, and offer guidance as you navigate your tarot journey. Their support can help deepen your understanding and connection with the cards.

Engage in self-care and emotional well-being alongside tarot readings

It’s important to prioritize self-care and emotional well-being alongside your tarot readings. Tarot can bring up deep emotions and insights, and it’s crucial to take care of yourself as you process this information. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and self-reflection, such as meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. Take breaks when needed and create a nurturing environment that supports your emotional well-being throughout your tarot practice.

Share your tarot experiences with like-minded individuals

Cultivate a supportive tarot practice by sharing your tarot experiences with like-minded individuals. Connecting with others who have a similar interest in tarot allows you to exchange ideas, insights, and personal experiences. Consider joining online or in-person tarot communities, attending workshops or conferences, and participating in tarot discussion groups. Sharing your insights and hearing the perspectives of others enriches your own tarot practice and fosters a sense of community.

Personalizing Your Tarot Practice

Develop your own tarot rituals and spreads

Personalizing your tarot practice is an opportunity to develop your own tarot rituals and spreads. Experiment with different rituals and find what resonates with you. It could be as simple as cleansing your space, shuffling the cards in a specific way, or incorporating crystals or other objects into your practice. Similarly, create spreads that align with your specific questions or areas of focus. Personalizing your tarot practice adds a unique touch and enhances your connection with the cards.

Incorporate other spiritual practices or divination tools if desired

Feel free to incorporate other spiritual practices or divination tools into your tarot practice if desired. Tarot can be complemented by practices such as astrology, numerology, meditation, or energy healing. Consider exploring these other modalities and finding ways to integrate them into your readings. By broadening your spiritual repertoire, you can deepen your understanding of the messages and insights received through tarot.

Experiment and personalize your tarot practice to suit your needs

Above all, remember that your tarot practice is a deeply personal journey. Experiment, explore, and personalize your practice in ways that resonate with you. Trust your intuition and inner guidance as you discover what works best for you. Tarot is a versatile and adaptable tool, and there are no hard and fast rules. Allow yourself the freedom to experiment and make your tarot practice an authentic expression of your own unique journey.


Reading tarot to yourself can offer numerous benefits, including self-reflection, personal growth, and convenience. While there are challenges such as personal bias and limited perspective, these can be overcome through mindfulness and seeking alternative viewpoints. By following tips such as creating a sacred space, setting clear intentions, and trusting your intuition, you can enhance your tarot reading skills.

It is important to maintain balance and avoid becoming overly dependent on tarot readings. Seek professional readings occasionally, avoid relying solely on tarot for major life decisions, and stay accountable for your choices. Ethical considerations, such as respecting privacy and using tarot responsibly, should always be upheld. Cultivate a supportive tarot practice by finding a mentor, prioritizing self-care, and connecting with like-minded individuals.

Personalize your tarot practice by developing rituals and incorporating other spiritual practices or divination tools. Ultimately, your tarot practice should be a personalized and empowering journey that helps you gain insights, make informed decisions, and grow on a personal and spiritual level.