Can You Teach Yourself To Read Tarot Cards?

So, you’ve heard about tarot cards – those mystical and intriguing decks with beautiful illustrations that seem to hold secrets and insights within their intricate designs. You may be wondering, can you actually teach yourself to read tarot cards? Well, the good news is, you absolutely can! In this article, we’ll explore the world of tarot cards, demystify the process, and guide you on your journey of self-discovery through the art of tarot reading. Get ready to unlock the hidden wisdom and tap into your intuition as we embark on this enchanting voyage together.

Understanding Tarot Cards

What are tarot cards?

Tarot cards are a deck of 78 cards that are often used for divination, self-reflection, and guidance. Each card has its own unique image and symbolism, representing different aspects of life, emotions, and experiences. The deck is made up of two main types of cards – the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that represent major life themes and archetypal energies, while the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles) that signify more specific aspects of daily life.

How do tarot cards work?

Tarot cards work by tapping into the subconscious mind and the collective unconscious, allowing us to gain insights and guidance from our intuition and the universal energies that surround us. When a tarot reading is conducted, the cards are shuffled and drawn in a specific layout, also known as a tarot spread. The reader then interprets the cards’ images, symbolism, and positions in the spread to provide guidance and insight into different aspects of the querent’s life or question.

The importance of symbolism in tarot cards

Symbolism plays a crucial role in tarot cards. Each card is rich with symbols that convey deeper meanings and layers of interpretation. The images on the cards are carefully chosen to represent specific concepts, emotions, and energies. Understanding the symbolism of tarot cards helps the reader delve into their meanings and unlock the messages they hold. By paying attention to the symbols and their placement within a reading, it becomes easier to connect with the cards and unravel their wisdom.

Getting Started with Tarot Cards

Choosing the right tarot deck

Choosing the right tarot deck is a personal and important decision. It’s essential to select a deck that resonates with you and speaks to your intuition. There are countless tarot decks available, each with its own theme, art style, and energy. Take the time to explore different decks and choose one that captures your interest and aligns with your intuition. Whether you’re drawn to a traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck or prefer a more modern and artistic deck, trust your instincts and choose what feels right for you.

Understanding the structure of a tarot deck

To begin your journey with tarot, it’s crucial to understand the structure of a tarot deck. A standard tarot deck consists of 78 cards, divided into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana represents significant life events and spiritual lessons, while the Minor Arcana focuses on everyday experiences and influences. The Minor Arcana is further divided into four suits – Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles – each representing different elements and aspects of life. Familiarize yourself with the cards in each suit, their numbers, and their corresponding symbolism to develop a strong foundation in tarot.

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Learning the meaning of each card

Learning the meaning of each tarot card is a fundamental step in becoming proficient in tarot reading. Start by studying the cards individually, one by one, and understanding their symbolism, imagery, and traditional interpretations. Many resources, such as books and online guides, provide comprehensive explanations for each card. As you delve deeper into the meanings, take notes, and create your own associations with the cards. Remember that while there are traditional interpretations, it’s also important to trust your intuition when interpreting the cards’ messages.

Developing Intuition and Connection

Tapping into your intuition

Intuition is a powerful tool when it comes to tarot reading. Developing and trusting your intuition allows you to connect with the cards on a deeper level and receive accurate insights. To tap into your intuition, set aside quiet and reflective moments each day. Practice meditation, mindfulness, or any other technique that helps you quiet the mind and listen to your inner voice. As you become more attuned to your intuition, you’ll find that your tarot readings become more accurate and meaningful.

Creating a sacred space for tarot readings

Creating a sacred space for tarot readings is essential to establish a calm and focused environment. Choose a quiet and comfortable area where you won’t be disturbed. Clear the space of any clutter and create an ambiance that promotes relaxation and introspection. You may consider lighting candles, burning incense, or playing soft music to enhance the atmosphere. Remember, the energy of your surroundings can greatly influence your connection with the cards, so make sure your space feels sacred and conducive to intuitive insights.

Establishing a connection with your deck

Establishing a connection with your tarot deck is crucial for accurate and insightful readings. Begin by spending time with your deck regularly, shuffling the cards and engaging in a ritual that feels right for you. This can be as simple as holding the deck in your hands, closing your eyes, and setting an intention for your reading. As you handle the cards, notice how they feel in your hands and the energy they emit. Over time, you’ll develop a unique bond with your deck, enhancing your ability to receive clear messages and guidance.

Learning Tarot Spreads

What are tarot spreads?

Tarot spreads are specific layouts or arrangements of cards used during a reading to gain insight into different aspects of a question or situation. Each spread has a designated meaning and purpose, determining the positions and interpretations of the cards. Spreads can range from simple one-card spreads to more complex spreads like the Celtic Cross. By selecting an appropriate tarot spread, you can focus the reading on a specific area of concern and receive a more detailed understanding of the situation at hand.

Different types of tarot spreads

There are numerous tarot spreads to choose from, each serving a unique purpose and providing different insights. Some common spreads include the Past-Present-Future spread, which offers an overview of a situation across three timelines, and the Relationship spread, which provides guidance on current and potential partnerships. Other popular spreads include the Tree of Life spread, the Career spread, and the Yes/No spread. Experiment with different spreads and find the ones that resonate with your reading style and the questions you often encounter.

Interpreting the cards within a spread

Interpreting the cards within a spread involves considering their positions, their interactions with neighboring cards, and their individual meanings. Start by analyzing each card individually and exploring their symbolism and traditional interpretations. Then, examine how the cards relate to one another within the spread. Notice any patterns, contrasts, or connections that emerge, as these can offer valuable insights. Remember to trust your intuition and allow the cards to speak to you, as their messages may not always align precisely with traditional interpretations.

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Practicing Tarot Readings

Performing daily single-card readings

Performing daily single-card readings is an excellent way to deepen your understanding of the cards and practice your interpretation skills. Each day, draw a single card and reflect on its meaning and relevance to your day ahead. Consider how the card’s symbolism relates to your current circumstances or the energies you are experiencing. Journal your thoughts and insights to track your progress and notice any recurring themes or patterns that emerge over time. Daily single-card readings can also serve as a personal check-in, providing guidance and support in various aspects of your life.

Conducting readings for others

Conducting readings for others is an opportunity to share your tarot knowledge and provide guidance to those seeking assistance. Start by offering readings to close friends and family members, or consider joining tarot practice groups to gain experience and build confidence. When conducting readings for others, remember to create a safe and non-judgmental space for them to express their concerns. Listen actively, ask open-ended questions, and interpret the cards with compassion and sensitivity. Respect the querent’s privacy and ensure their consent throughout the reading process.

Journaling and tracking progress

Journaling is a valuable practice for tarot enthusiasts as it helps track progress, reflect on insights, and deepen self-awareness. After each reading, take the time to record the spread layout, card positions, and your interpretations. Note any intuitive impressions or personal observations that arise during the reading. By reviewing your journal entries over time, you’ll be able to identify patterns, develop your interpretation skills, and gain valuable insights into your own growth and transformation.

Exploring Tarot Interpretation Techniques

Using traditional interpretations

Traditional interpretations serve as a solid foundation for tarot reading, providing a framework for understanding the cards’ meanings. Many tarot guidebooks and online resources offer traditional interpretations for each card in the deck. Study these interpretations and familiarize yourself with the symbolic associations and themes they convey. However, it’s important to remember that the cards are not fixed in their meanings and can vary depending on the context and intuition of the reader. Balance traditional interpretations with your own intuitive insights to create a well-rounded and personalized reading experience.

Developing your own interpretations

As you become more comfortable with tarot cards, feel free to develop your own interpretations based on your experiences and insights. Look beyond the traditional meanings and explore the symbolism on a deeper level. Pay attention to the imagery, colors, and characters depicted on the cards, as they can evoke different emotions and associations. Trust your intuition and let your unique perspective guide your interpretation. Building your own interpretation techniques allows you to develop a personal connection with the cards, making your readings more authentic and meaningful.

Incorporating intuition in interpretations

Intuition plays a vital role in tarot reading, allowing you to tap into subconscious wisdom and receive guidance beyond the surface level meanings of the cards. To incorporate intuition into your interpretations, observe your initial impressions and feelings when a card is revealed. Notice any intuitive insights that come to mind and trust your instincts. Allow your intuition to guide you in exploring deeper meanings, connections between cards, and the overall message of the reading. Balancing analytical thinking with intuitive interpretation creates a more holistic and insightful reading experience.

Studying Tarot Card Combinations

Understanding how cards interact with each other

Tarot card combinations involve analyzing how different cards interact with one another within a spread. When reading multiple cards together, pay attention to their positions and the relationships they form. Notice any similarities or contrasts in symbolism, colors, or themes between the cards. Explore how the cards’ energies and messages intertwine and provide a more nuanced understanding of the situation. Understanding how cards interact with each other allows you to unlock deeper insights and create a more comprehensive narrative within your readings.

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Identifying common card combinations and meanings

Through studying and practice, you’ll begin to notice common card combinations and their associated meanings. Certain combinations can carry specific messages or emphasize particular aspects of a reading. The more you familiarize yourself with the cards and their interactions, the more easily you’ll spot these combinations. For example, the combination of The High Priestess and The Moon often symbolizes intuitive guidance and deep self-reflection. By identifying common card combinations and their meanings, you can enhance your interpretations and provide more accurate and detailed readings.

Practicing interpreting card combinations

Interpreting card combinations is a skill that develops over time with practice and experience. Start by selecting a few cards from your deck and examining how they interact with each other. Consider the individual meanings of each card and explore how their symbolism blends together. Look for connections and contrasts, and notice any new insights or patterns that arise from the combination. Engage in frequent practice sessions where you challenge yourself to interpret various card combinations. With time and dedication, interpreting card combinations will become an intuitive and insightful aspect of your tarot readings.

Seeking Additional Resources and Guidance

Reading books and guides on tarot reading

There are countless books and guides available on tarot reading, offering in-depth insights, interpretations, and exercises to deepen your understanding of the cards. Take advantage of these resources to expand your knowledge and explore different tarot techniques. Some popular and highly recommended books include “The Rider-Waite Tarot: The Original Deck and Book Set,” “Tarot for Beginners: A Guide to Psychic Tarot Reading, Real Tarot Card Meanings, and Simple Tarot Spreads,” and “The Ultimate Guide to the Tarot.” Dive into these resources and discover new perspectives and wisdom to enhance your tarot journey.

Taking online tarot courses

Online tarot courses provide structured learning opportunities and guidance from experienced tarot readers. These courses offer comprehensive lessons on various aspects of tarot, including card meanings, spreads, interpretation techniques, and ethical considerations. They often include interactive exercises, quizzes, and forums for discussions and feedback. Whether you’re a beginner seeking a solid foundation or an experienced reader looking to refine specific skills, online tarot courses can be a valuable investment in your tarot education. Some reputable online platforms for tarot courses include Udemy, Learn Tarot, and Biddy Tarot.

Joining tarot communities and forums

Joining tarot communities and forums allows you to connect with like-minded individuals and gain support and guidance from the tarot community. These communities provide spaces for discussions, sharing experiences, seeking advice, and exchanging insights. Engaging in conversations with fellow tarot enthusiasts helps broaden your perspectives, learn new reading techniques, and find inspiration for your tarot practice. Whether it’s online communities, local meetup groups, or social media platforms, there are plenty of spaces where you can connect with others who share your passion for tarot.

Ethics and Responsibility in Tarot Reading

Respecting the privacy and consent of clients

Ethics and responsibility are integral aspects of tarot reading. Respecting the privacy and consent of clients is of utmost importance. Always ask for permission before conducting a reading and ensure that the querent understands the purpose and potential limitations of the reading. Maintain confidentiality by keeping personal information shared during the reading confidential and avoiding discussions about sensitive topics without the querent’s permission. Respect the boundaries and comfort levels of your clients at all times, fostering an environment of trust and respect.

Maintaining objectivity and avoiding bias

Maintaining objectivity during tarot readings is essential to provide unbiased and accurate guidance. It’s crucial to separate personal opinions, beliefs, and biases from the reading process. Approach each reading with an open mind and be willing to explore the full spectrum of possibilities represented by the cards. Allow the imagery and symbolism to guide your interpretation, rather than projecting personal judgments or preconceived notions onto the cards. By maintaining objectivity, you ensure that the reading remains focused on the querent’s needs and provides them with an objective perspective.

Setting boundaries and professional guidelines

Setting boundaries and professional guidelines is vital for both the reader and the querent. Clearly define your role as a tarot reader and establish boundaries around the types of questions you are willing to address. Communicate openly with the querent about the limitations of tarot reading and the ethical considerations involved. If you encounter a question or situation that falls outside your expertise or comfort zone, be honest and provide alternative resources or referrals. By setting boundaries and adhering to professional guidelines, you ensure a safe and ethical tarot reading experience.


Tarot reading is a lifelong learning journey that offers guidance, self-reflection, and personal growth. By understanding tarot cards, connecting with your intuition, and practicing interpretation techniques, you can unlock the profound wisdom held within the cards. Remember to approach tarot reading with respect, ethics, and responsibility, always prioritizing the privacy and consent of clients. Embrace the process and enjoy the personal growth that comes with each reading. Tarot reading empowers you to tap into your intuition, gain insights, and navigate life’s twists and turns with clarity and confidence.