What Happens At A Tarot Card Reading?

Have you ever wondered what happens during a tarot card reading? Whether you’re a skeptic or curious about unlocking the mysteries of the universe, stepping into a tarot card reading session can be an intriguing and eye-opening experience. As you sit down with the tarot card reader, the deck of meticulously designed cards is shuffled, and each card drawn holds a story waiting to be unveiled. Through the deciphering of symbols, patterns, and the reader’s intuition, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, guidance, and the possibilities that lie ahead. Get ready to dive into the mystical world of tarot cards and uncover the insights they hold for you.


Choosing the tarot deck

When preparing for a tarot card reading, one of the first steps is choosing the right tarot deck. There are numerous decks available, each with its own unique artwork and symbolism. It’s important to select a deck that resonates with you and your intuitive abilities. Take some time to explore different decks and see which one speaks to you on a deeper level. Trust your instincts and choose a deck that aligns with your energy.

Cleansing the cards

Before a reading, it’s essential to cleanse your tarot cards. This process helps remove any energy that may be lingering from previous readings or interactions. There are several methods you can use to cleanse your cards, such as smudging with sage or palo santo, placing them under moonlight or sunlight, or using visualization techniques to clear any unwanted energies. Cleansing your deck ensures that you start each reading with a fresh and clear energy.

Preparing the reading space

Creating a comfortable and peaceful environment is crucial for a successful tarot card reading. Find a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted and set the mood with soft lighting, calming music, and any other elements that help you relax. Clear clutter from your workspace and arrange your tarot cards in a way that feels intuitive to you. It’s also helpful to have a notebook or journal nearby to take notes and record insights during the reading.


Greeting the client

As a tarot card reader, it’s important to make your clients feel welcome and comfortable right from the start. Begin the reading by greeting the client with a warm and friendly smile. Make them feel at ease by introducing yourself and explaining your role as a guide and interpreter of the cards. Building a rapport with the client from the very beginning will help create a safe space for them to open up and share their thoughts and concerns.

Establishing a comfortable environment

Ensuring that the client feels comfortable throughout the reading is crucial for a successful session. Take a moment to adjust the lighting, temperature, and seating arrangement to meet the client’s preferences. Offer them a glass of water or a cup of tea to make them feel more at ease. Creating a warm and inviting atmosphere will help the client relax and open up to the insights and guidance that the tarot cards may reveal.

Explaining the purpose of the reading

Before diving into the actual tarot card reading, take a moment to explain the purpose of the session to the client. Let them know that the tarot cards are a tool for self-reflection, guidance, and insight. Emphasize that the reading is not about predicting the future with 100% certainty, but rather about exploring different possibilities and gaining a deeper understanding of the present moment. Encourage the client to approach the reading with an open mind and heart.

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Shuffling and Card Selection

Different shuffling techniques

Shuffling the tarot cards is an essential part of the reading process. There are various shuffling techniques, and it’s important to choose one that feels comfortable and intuitive to you. Some common techniques include the overhand shuffle, the riffle shuffle, and the Hindu shuffle. Experiment with different methods and find the one that allows you to connect with the cards on a deeper level. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to shuffle the cards; it’s all about finding what works best for you.

Allowing the client to select cards

To enhance the client’s involvement and connection with the reading, it can be beneficial to allow them to select the cards from the deck. This can be done in different ways, such as inviting the client to focus on their question or intention and then choosing a specific number of cards that intuitively feels right to them. Alternatively, you can also lay out the entire deck and ask the client to choose cards based on their intuition or any other guidance they may feel.

Organizing the deck for the reading

Once the cards have been selected, it’s important to organize them in a way that facilitates the reading. You can choose to lay them out in a specific pattern or spread, such as the Celtic Cross or the Three-Card Spread, or simply arrange them in a sequential order. Take your time to ensure that the cards are placed in a way that feels visually appealing and allows for easy interpretation. This step sets the stage for the next phase: card interpretation.

Card Interpretation

Revealing the cards

As you begin to reveal the cards to the client, it’s essential to do so in a calm and confident manner. Take your time with each card, allowing the client to absorb its imagery and symbolism. Encourage them to share any initial thoughts or feelings that arise when they see the cards. Remember, part of the magic of tarot is the client’s ability to forge their own connection to the cards and discover personal meanings within the symbolism.

Explaining the meaning of each card

Once all the cards have been revealed, it’s time to delve into their meanings. Go through each card one by one, providing a brief overview of its traditional interpretation. However, it’s important to remember that tarot is a deeply personal and intuitive practice, and the meanings of the cards can vary depending on the context and the individual’s unique experiences. Encourage the client to trust their own intuition and associations when interpreting the cards.

Interpreting the card positions

In addition to the individual meanings of each card, the position in which it appears within the spread can also influence its interpretation. Different spreads have different positions, each representing a specific aspect of the client’s life or question. Take the time to explain the significance of each position and how it relates to the overall reading. Allow the client to reflect on how the cards and their positions may intersect and create a cohesive narrative.

Question and Discussion

Prompting the client for questions

After the initial interpretation of the cards, encourage the client to ask any specific questions they may have. Prompt them to delve deeper into the areas of their life that they seek guidance on or to explore any concerns or challenges they are currently facing. Giving the client the opportunity to ask questions allows for a more interactive and personalized reading, ensuring that their specific needs are addressed.

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Discussing the client’s concerns

As the client shares their concerns and questions, actively listen and show genuine empathy and understanding. Let them know that this is a safe space for them to open up and express themselves without judgment. Encourage them to elaborate on their concerns and delve deeper into any underlying emotions or thoughts they may have. By giving the client room to explore their concerns, you can provide deeper insights and guidance.

Providing guidance and insight

As a tarot card reader, your role is to provide guidance and insight to the client. Use your intuition and knowledge of the tarot cards to offer interpretations that resonate with their specific situation. It’s important to convey the message that the cards are not fixed outcomes, but rather reflections of the energies and possibilities surrounding the client. Help the client explore different perspectives and options, empowering them to make informed decisions and take control of their own lives.

Additional Tools and Techniques

Using spreads for complex readings

While simple spreads can provide valuable insights, there may be occasions when a more complex spread is necessary to explore a client’s situation in greater depth. Utilize spreads such as the Tree of Life or the Horseshoe Spread to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the various influences and interconnected aspects of their life. Experimenting with different spreads allows you to cater to different situations and provide a richer and more nuanced reading experience.

Incorporating oracle cards or crystals

In addition to tarot cards, you may choose to incorporate other tools and techniques into your readings. Oracle cards, for example, can provide supplementary guidance or focus on specific areas of the client’s life. Crystals, on the other hand, can be used to enhance the energetic flow and create a more harmonious environment. Experiment with different tools and see how they complement your intuitive abilities and enhance the overall reading experience for both you and the client.

Utilizing intuition and psychic abilities

Tarot readings are not solely reliant on the interpretations of the cards; your own intuition and psychic abilities play an important role as well. Allow your own instincts to guide you as you provide insight and guidance to the client. Pay attention to any intuitive flashes or sensations that may arise during the reading. Trust in your own abilities and the messages that come through, as they often serve as valuable additions to the information provided by the tarot cards.

Clarity and Insight

Revealing patterns and connections

One of the powerful aspects of tarot card readings is the ability to reveal patterns and connections between different cards. As you interpret the cards, be on the lookout for any recurring themes, symbols, or numbers that may emerge. These patterns and connections can provide deeper insight into the client’s situation and shed light on underlying influences and energies at play. Pointing out these connections allows the client to see the bigger picture and gain a clearer understanding of their circumstances.

Providing deeper understanding

Beyond the surface-level interpretations of the cards, a tarot card reading can offer a deeper understanding of the client’s thoughts, emotions, and motivations. By encouraging the client to reflect on the symbolism and messages within the cards, you can help them gain insight into their own subconscious patterns and belief systems. This deeper understanding can be transformative, empowering the client to make positive changes and approach their life with a greater sense of self-awareness.

Highlighting opportunities and challenges

Tarot readings have the potential to highlight both the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for the client. As you interpret the cards, emphasize the positive aspects and potential growth opportunities that may arise. Equally, address any challenges or obstacles that may be present in the client’s path. While it’s important to approach the reading with compassion and sensitivity, it’s equally important to provide an honest and realistic assessment of the potential outcomes and areas of growth for the client.

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Empowerment and Guidance

Encouraging the client to take control

A tarot card reading is not intended to predict the future with absolute certainty, but rather to empower the client to take control of their own destiny. Throughout the reading, emphasize the importance of personal agency and free will. Remind the client that they have the power to shape their own path and make choices that align with their values and dreams. Offer guidance and support, but ultimately encourage the client to trust their own intuition and make decisions that feel right for them.

Offering options and perspectives

Tarot card readings can provide multiple perspectives and options for the client to consider. Present different interpretations of the cards and explore various potential outcomes and actions. By offering a range of possibilities, you empower the client to make informed decisions that resonate with their own values and desires. Encourage them to explore different paths, evaluate potential risks and benefits, and approach their choices with a sense of curiosity and open-mindedness.

Providing practical advice

In addition to the intuitive and spiritual guidance offered by the tarot cards, practical advice can also be incorporated into the reading. Based on the insights gained from the cards, offer tangible actions or steps that the client can take to navigate their current situation or achieve their goals. This practical advice helps ground the reading and provides the client with actionable steps they can implement in their daily life. Striking a balance between spiritual guidance and practical advice ensures a well-rounded and empowering reading.


Summarizing the reading

As the tarot card reading comes to a close, take a moment to summarize the key points and messages that have emerged throughout the session. This summary allows the client to reflect on the insights gained and reinforces the main themes and guidance provided. By summarizing the reading, you provide a sense of closure and ensure that the client leaves the session with a clear understanding of the reading’s main takeaways.

Answering final questions

Before concluding the reading, give the client the opportunity to ask any final questions or seek clarification on specific points. This ensures that the client feels fully satisfied and confident in the information received. Address their concerns or queries with patience and understanding, offering additional guidance and support as needed.

Expressing gratitude and farewell

As the tarot card reading comes to an end, it’s important to express gratitude and farewell to the client. Thank them genuinely for choosing you as their guide and for their willingness to trust in the process. Acknowledge the bravery and vulnerability it takes for someone to seek guidance and express appreciation for their openness. Wish the client well on their journey and remind them that you are available for further consultations should they require additional guidance or support.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Respecting client’s privacy

Respecting the client’s privacy is essential in any tarot card reading. Assure the client that all information shared during the session will be kept strictly confidential. Emphasize that their personal details, questions, and concerns will not be disclosed to anyone without their explicit consent. Creating a safe and confidential space builds trust between you and the client, allowing them to open up and share their thoughts and feelings more freely.

Maintaining confidentiality

When it comes to client information, it’s important to maintain confidentiality even beyond the duration of the reading. Safeguard any notes or records taken during the session and ensure they are stored securely. Dispose of any sensitive information appropriately to protect the client’s privacy. By maintaining strict confidentiality, you create a trusting and professional relationship with the client, which can result in long-term client satisfaction and recommendations.

Proper storage of client information

If you choose to keep client records for future reference or follow-up consultations, it’s crucial to have a secure and organized method of storage. Depending on your preferences, you could utilize password-protected digital files, encrypted cloud storage, or locked physical storage such as a filing cabinet or a lockbox. Whichever method you choose, ensure that it complies with data protection and privacy regulations to safeguard the client’s personal information.

In conclusion, a tarot card reading is a powerful and transformative experience that offers clarity, insight, and guidance. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive article, you can create a comfortable and welcoming environment for your clients, facilitate an engaging and meaningful reading, and empower them to take control of their own lives. Remember, each reading is unique, and it is the connection between the reader, the client, and the cards that truly makes the magic happen. So trust yourself, trust the cards, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.